PROLOGUE: Long Distance Call

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"Come back to Anafi right now." My mother, Maria, demanded, It almost felt like she was giving me the evil eye. I wasn't wearing my mati bracelet and she definitely knew it.

Us Greeks wore bracelets or necklaces with a blue eye and a cross (Most of the time) to keep away the evil eye, 'The Mati.' It was kinda like a threat, a stupid superstition threat.

"Yati? Why would I do that?" I questioned her, it wasn't the first time she had asked me to come back to the family. I hadn't seen them for almost three years. Not even for a holiday away from London. I wasn't interested in going back to Greece. I had left for a reason and that was to live in a country full of opportunities.

"O Pateras sou einai arrostos." Her words were full of different emotions but mostly fear, and it made my throat tighten, she just told me my father was sick.

"Okay, I'm coming," I told her, stopping in my tracks, I was on my way to class, the cold London breeze pushing my hair back. "See you soon." I tried to hide how concerned I was.

I could just imagine my mother with red-rimmed eyes, a tissue in her hand, and her worry lines more evident now that she was older.

I knew I was a horrible daughter, hearing my relatives talk to my parents about why I wasn't proud to be Greek since they were all gossipers.

Including my mother.

I was proud, It's just the mind of a Greek adult is different. Well, the Greek people from the island of Anafi-- While every normal person was out getting cars, my parents were still using donkeys.

Maybe my life would have been different if the island we lived on hadn't had a population of two hundred or so people. I was nearly related to every one of them.

And to be quite honest, we all basically looked the same, different shades of brown hair, olive-colored skin -well mine was a bit pale from the London climate- and hazel or coffee-colored eyes. It's a wake-up call coming to London and seeing the multicultural life and everyone living in a modern way and not historic times.

Men in London weren't as sexist as men in Greece. My boy cousins would yell at me if I didn't clear their plates after they had eaten. The day I found out I got excepted into the University of London to do a Law degree, I threw the plates they had oh-so-nicely told me to clean up and smashed them on the floor, Greek style of course.

I inherited my temper from my father since his father was a Greek-Cypriot, and god they are worse than Greeks. They even talk with aggression.

By the time my mind stopped running, I was back at my apartment that was just off-campus.

My boyfriend Josh, was currently sat on the couch in the small living room, typing away at his laptop. He noticed my presence and looked up at me with confusion. "Babe, what's wrong?"

His light brown hair was always neat and cut short, face clean and shaven, those beautiful dark blue eyes. A beautiful British man, who was wearing dark grey suit pants with a purple dress shirt, tucked in. He definitely gave his body justice.

I met him the same way, funnily enough, in a coffee shop around the corner, two years ago he was sat on a couch on his laptop typing away as usual and I needed a spot to sit, so he offered the spot next to him.

"I have to book a flight to Greece." I sighed, taking off my black jacket. Josh raised his eyebrows.


I bit the inside of my lip, "As in my home, Anafi. My father is sick and my mother wants me to come back."

Josh immediately crossed the small space, wrapping his arms around me, I took a welcoming breath of his musk, smelt like Turkish roses. "How long will you be gone?"

"You don't want to come with me?" I asked, pushing my head back to look at him. I was hoping he'd come for support.

"Darling, I have so much work to do, you know that." He pouted, pushing back a long dark brunette piece of my hair out of the way.

I shut my eyes, shaking my head. "Sorry, I forgot you were busy." Actually, I hadn't but I guess work is more important.

"Just be back as soon as you can." He nodded, kissing my forehead.

I sighed, who knows how long I'll be.

I could only imagine my mother trying to make me stay, God she'll probably try to marry me off to a proxy.

I hadn't even told them about Josh, I better do it, I mean, I have to.

I already know what they'll say, 'Is he a nice Greek boy?"

Josh had some sort of ancestors from Italy but he wouldn't have had a clue. He was a Londoner, born and bred.

So here I was, going back to Anafi, the Greek island I was born on, the Greek island I was brought up on, the Greek Island I had tried to forget about.

I am Stella Tavoularis and I hate Greek men.


This is one of the few short stories I have in my drafts and I can't wait to update all the chapters once I've finished my other books.

But for now, let me know what you guys think or what you'd hope to see happen. Xx

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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