• P e a c e f u l S t o r m •

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I stare at the Edge of this Seat
Is this how it meant to be
My thoughts are hurtin me
The Deep Waters of despair Are reaching me
Pulling me in like a tidal wave that has destroyed many cities before
It won't be much different this time except for one thing

Is it because the air I breathe
Its like poison ivy rising up against my skin
Slowly poisoning me and this so called body that I own
Or is it this body that I'm forced to inhabit until I am gone?
By natural causes or homicide we shall see

Waiting till I understand my purpose outside of these verses, mental curses
My morals, my life, the journey I take must mean something
So why do I feel nothing?
I am just a coral reef nothing important
Until the underwater creatures realized they need me for the air they breathe
But unfortunately it's too late
Once you go by dismissing things
It becomes a habit from cycle to cycle

And i just wished everyone would see their importance
much sooner rather than later
Some people would still be here today
But they've gone off to this heaven full of second chances
now I know that you are a memory
And the World would one day be too

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