33 Bet

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Part 33 Bet

Khushi was completely confused. Neither she can trust Arnav's words nor could she ignore them because Arnav can do anything. His words cannot be taken easily. But what will he do? And how? Did Raizadas talk to her parents about Arnav's will? But her parents looked so casual. They discussed only the gifts. Nothing other than that. So, Raizadas would not have spoken to them about anything. She knew Garima. She would have made GH upside down in happiness if Raizadas had proposed to her hand. She was toasting on the bed, thinking about it. Neither she got an answer nor did she get to sleep.

In the meanwhile, in RM

Arnav threw the phone on the bed smilingly. Tomorrow, he is going to trap Khushi. Doesn't she tease him a lot these days...? Let's see, what she does tomorrow. Didn't she say he couldn't marry her? Let's see, how she escapes from him...? Arnav lay down on the bed all smiling.

He took his mobile again as it rang. He laughed, seeing Khushi's number. He rushed out and saw Arvind going to his room.

*Dad...* he called.

Arvind raised his brows. Running to him, Arnav gave the phone to Arvind and gestured to him to talk. Arvind smiled, seeing Khushi's name. He attended it. Before he asked her anything,

*What did you say...?*

Arvind looked at Arnav who was controlling his smile.

*Look, Arnav... I'm a very bad girl... don't mess with me... you don't know the real me. I won't leave you if you do any hunky-punky. Why are you silent...? Speak up...* she shouted.

*I thought you are a very good girl, Khushi beta...* Arvind said.

Khushi became a statue, hearing Arvind's voice.

*Uncle... I just... I don't know, it's you... I thought it was Arnav... I'm sorry uncle... I just...* she stammered.

*Hello... hold on... hold on...* Arvind smiled.

*I'm sorry uncle... I just...*

*That's ok, beta... shell I tell you an important matter?*

*What uncle? * she asked embarrassingly.

*Arnav always does hunky-punky... be careful...* he laughed.

So did Arnav whereas Khushi bit her nail, widening her eyes.

*Do you want me to call Arnav and give it to him? * Arvind asked.

*No, uncle... no...*

*Ok, good night*

*Good night uncle*

She disconnected the call. Arnav laughed louder.

*Have you started teasing her...? Do you know what she said?*

*How would I leave her if she challenges me? By the way, what did she say?*

*Look, Arnav... I'm a very bad girl... don't mess with me... you don't know the real me. I won't leave you if you do any hunky-punky. Why are you silent...? Speak up... * Arvind tried to mimic Khushi.

Arnav laughed loudly.

*By the way Chotte, do you want me to do it?*

*Please dad... do it for me...*

*Ok... She should be confused. Talk to her... she may get cleared. *

*She will get more confused if I talk to her* Arnav laughed.

*Ok... do anything...* Arvind left the place, nodding his head NO.

Arnav again came back to his room and dialed Khushi. Khushi gulped down and attended the call and,

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