"You had Mom pick these out didn't you."

"It was more me. You know since I paid for them with my money." 

I laughed.

   "Go explore kid."

   I let go of him and went over to my Mom and Jeremy who had just got the things out of the truck.

"Hey Jere want to go to that field across the road there?"

"With you?" He didn't even think for a moment. "Yea, no." 

    My wish came true. It was a short walk from our house, to the field across the road. I made my over to it, admiring the tall trees, and the oasis of serenity that engulfed me deeper and deeper as I walked along. All the houses were very similar to mine. You could tell that they were all made around the same time, then sold off to people. All the houses seemed the same, but if you looked closely enough you could tell the differences. Whether the difference was a different color, or a the style of brick. Or even those few houses that have a jumble of little kids toys, you could tell there was completely different people in each home.

The road itself was just a dirt road, that leads to a small neighborhood . There isn’t that any houses hat this road leads to. Maybe twenty? All the houses are spread out evenly, so it’s hard to tell. Enough about what the houses look like, are there any people my age around here?

Cam's POV

"Dude like no one can make that kind of jump"

"Yea thats like impossible."

"No, I saw it the other day on TV."

"Yea bro TV, it was probably fake."

"Im telling you it..."

   I was trying to drown out the sound of Shawn, and Charlie. I’m not even sure why I hang out with them. Yea they are assholes. Yea they are dumb. It's just I've known them forever. I wasn't the best at picking friends when I was a little kid. Now I'm stuck with these guys.

"Hey Cam?" Shawn said.


"Is that like one of your sisters friends or something?" He asked.

   We were almost to our houses when I finally understood what he was saying.

"She's hot." Charlie said.

"She might be part of the family that just moved in." I said.

"Fresh bait..." Shawn said, as he walked straight for her.

   The girl was kinda tall. She had long dirty blonde hair. She was actually really pretty. Poor girl, I've seen to many girls to count that Shawn has flirted with, then forgot about. Let's just hope she doesn't get to attached to him. They always do.

Darcy's POV

    I heard heavy footsteps to behind me. I turned around to face three boys. They were all dressed in the same clothes, a uniform for school I assume. The tallest boy came up towards to me. He had golden hair, and brown eyes. He was cute, but he was older than me. He reminded me of this guy from one of the schools I used to go to, he was the popular boy that all the girls liked. I’m not sure if it’s this guys cocky stature or the fact that he’s hot that makes me compare him to the guy at my old school…but I have a feeling I’ll be finding out.

“Hey.” The tall one said.

I sized him up, he really was cocky. Not just his look, but his voice to.

“Hi.” I replied hesitantly.

“Did you just move in over there?” He points to my house.


I may be acting anti-social giving all these one word answers, but I couldn’t think of anything else to say. For some reason, I cared what this guy thought. He seems like a popular guy, and I don’t at to mess things up for myself on my first day here. 

“You're not that talkative huh?”

“I just don’t have anything to say.”

He nods at my answer, looking behind me. 

“You know,” he says still looking behind me. “A pretty girl like you should learn the ropes around here quick. That way nobody can take advantage of her.”

What the hell is this guy talking about?

“What do you mean?”

He displays his hands forward, and gestures towards me. “Everyone around here is going to want to be with the hot new girl. You’re going to have to hang around the right people.”

I start to catch his drift, and his overconfident word choice.

“And who exactly are the right people?” 

“I guess thats for you to decide.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.

This guy must be kidding me. I want to laugh so hard in his face right now.

“Oh, you guess thats for me to decide? Who else’s decision would that be? Not somebody by the likes of you I hope.”

I looked down at the logo on his uniform. I recognized it from the pamphlet Mom showed me of the school I would be going to.

“I’ll see you in school.” I say before turning around. This kid is not going to get in my way of exploring.

Cam's POV

    "Yup, she's definitely hot." Charlie said as the girl walked away.

That Special Dirt Road (On Hold For Revision)Where stories live. Discover now