💔Ending 2💔

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Alternative ending
"Kenma why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Kuroo asked
"Y/n said not to" Kenma said
"You'll regret these decisions in the future you'll see Kuro" Kenma said
"I'm going to find her!"
Y/n looked back
"Hmm Japan was fun but I'll have to leave now" she said before boarding the plane as it was going to take off
"Y/n!" Kuroo screamed running over there but it was too late Y/n already left and was off to her home
"Damn it! I...was too late" Kuroo said as he fell to the hard cold floor
"Sorry for not coming sooner Y/n"
Hmm? What's this a letter from Y/n?
Haven't seen that name for a while I...miss her a lot"
Kuroo opened the letter and read it

Kuroo Tetsuro you are invited to the wedding of Y/n L/n and Yaku Morisuke!

Kuroo was speechless it was sad that it couldn't be him the one there with Y/n but he can't go back in time that's how life is and you have to deal with it
Kuroo watched as Yaku kissed Y/n
Kenma was sitting next to Kuroo
"I told you years ago back at nekoma right? You had your chance Kuro you messed up" Kenma said looking at Kuroo as he remembered that fateful day as if it was yesterday
"Your right Kenma I should have done something back then" Kuroo said with a sigh
"We were just friends after all right?"
Not everyone always gets a happy ending
Hey hey heyy finished the second ending sorry it was short but I think I went a little out of hand
With the not everyone gets a happy ending what is this Disney💀
Well hope you enjoyed it while it lasted😊

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