Then I felt someone coming and the door swing open and my head snapped up. It was my uncle. He stomped over to me and the man and slapped the man's face. I looked up at him with my eyes glowing and the next thing I knew he was thrown against the wall.

The guards and people in lab coats rushed in. I held on to the man and he held on to me. They surrounded us.some ran to help my uncle but the other stood in front of us.

"отдай ее нам солдат" a man in a lab coat States  they want him to hand me over.

"почему ты собираешься сделать ей больно" he asked he wants to know if they are going to hurt me.

But I know how hydra works. If they don't get me they will hurt him. I looked up at him and nodded my head. He released me and one of the men picked me up and I struggled out of his arms.

He sat me on the table they had sat me on before. I saw glowing tubs and sharp pointy things. I slid back on the table. He sat with the trays and looked at me.

"I promise you it won't hurt" I don't believe that I used my powers to pick up one of the trays throwing them into the wall. He looked at me and nodded his head

"Restrain her" men came over and began to hold me down. I tried using my powers to get them off and it did work. I used my ice power to freeze one of the man's hands but one of the men came over with bracelets and put them on my wrist. I felt my power drain my body. The glowing blue color left my eyes and they tied my hands down.

The man came over with the needle and stuck it in my arm. My skin feels like fire. I screamed as I begged them to stop. But he didn't. My vision became blurry as everything became dark.

End dream pov
I woke up and could feel the power rushing through me. I Opened my eyes and saw Loki. I sat up quickly, closing my eyes, focusing on my breathing. I could feel the weight change in the bed. Loki got off the bed and turned on the light. I pulled my knees to my chest barring my head in my knees. I could feel him sit on the bed beside me.

I felt him place his hand on my back and I flinched. I didn't mean to, it was out of instinct. He moved higher on the bed I guess and pulled me into a hug. I tried to fight it because I didn't want to cry. But I give in. I let him hug me. I let someone comfort me.

He let go and I looked up at him. I smiled "thank you"
"No problem" he signed back. The smile on my face grew bigger. I looked at the time and it's 5:09 am. Steve is usually out running at this time. I stood from my bed stretching. I looked at Loki and fingerspelled out training.

"What" "do you wanna t-r-a-i-n with me?" he smirked at the question and shook his head yes.

"Go get dressed,"  I tell him

He gets up and leaves and I go to my closet and look to see what I have. I put on a grey crop top and grey high-waisted leggings and some shoes.

I walked out of my closet and walked into my bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair and put my curly hair into a messy bun.

With my outfit you can barely see any scars so I'm good. I checked the time and it was 5:30. Before walking out the door I grabbed my dagger and walked out the room closing the door behind me.

When I walked out Loki was waiting for me. He was in black sweats and a green shirt. I smiled as begin walking to the elevator I got in to the elevator and so did Loki I pushed the floor level and waited

We have two training rooms but I am pretty sure the other one is off-limits until the repairs are done. The elevator doors opened and we walked out. There are many different rooms.

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