She giggles at that and I smile before he looks at me. He pats the bed softly and I take a seat. "Judah...I...I'm –"

"Happy to see me awake? Why thank you Charlie, that's so sweet!" He grins charmingly and I shake my head playfully.

"Thank you." I whisper and give his hand a squeeze. "If you weren't there we...just...thank you. I'm so sorry this happened."

"I would do it again in a heartbeat." He smiles tenderly and kisses my hand before smirking smugly at Theo. He narrows his eyes in mock warning which makes me laugh. "Don't blame yourself yeah? Shit happens."

"Jude!" Theo groans and we look over to see Aria smiling mischievously.

"Ten bucks you don't say that until you're much older." Judah bargains and I facepalm.

"Deal!" She laughs and shakes his outstretched hand gently.

"Have you eaten yet? Should we get a nurse?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I had breakfast so I'm all good." He pats his belly lightly with a smile.

"Did they say when you'll be discharged?" Theo asks as I give Aria my phone to play some games on.

"Not yet no, they probably will when my results come back. I doubt I'll be let go early because of the type of wound." He shrugs only to wince briefly when it hurts. "Please don't tell me mom and dad have lost their minds?"

Just then the door opens and we turn to see Michelle and Evan step inside. I get off the bed to see Judah glare at Theo for a moment before smiling at his parents. Michelle and Evan rush to his side as I take a seat beside Theo.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" Michelle rambles in a panicked tone as she fawns over him.

"Does it hurt?! What did the doctors say?!" Evan asks equally concerned.

"I'm fine and no, it doesn't hurt as much." He tries to reassure them with a smile. "I promise, I'm absolutely fine."

Both hover around him for a few more seconds before they turn to me. Michelle's eyes brim with tears as she rushes over to me. I stand just in time for her to pull me in a tight hug and call Aria over. Evan joins our embrace and we stand holding onto each other before pulling away when content.

"I'm so relieved you both are safe and here. We were worried sick!" She kisses my forehead before bending down to do the same to Aria.

"Any injuries? Did the doctors or nurses check you?" Evan asks worriedly and exhales in relief when I nod.

"Just a few scrapes and bruises, we'll be fine." I smile reassuringly as Aria takes her seat again with my phone.

They sit down on the other chairs before Michelle shakes her head in disbelief. "What happened?"

I take a deep breath and glance at Theo. He smiles gently while taking my hand in his with a nod. Turning back to them I tell them everything that happened. Their expressions range from confusion to shock to worry and lastly anger.

"Where is he now?" Evan asks softly after I finish.

"He's in this hospital, has three bullet wounds and other injuries. I think he's woken up but as soon he heals he's being transported to jail." Theo clarifies as he rubs the pad of his thumb against my skin absentmindedly.

"If the police have everything they need you guys should head home. We can stay with Judah and fly out after he's discharged." Michelle murmurs as she casts a worried glance at him.

"A-Are you sure? We can –"

"No, no!" She shakes her head adamantly in refusal. "You both need rest too and I'm sure you'd like to be back home. Theo, see if you can get a flight out for tonight or tomorrow morning?"

His SunshineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz