III. ❝Go to hell, Prewett❞

Start from the beginning

"Fuck you, Potter!"

The door of the cottage slammed, Rosalyn shook her head, her hand running through her short curls, "Rosie?"

She ignored James, brushing past him, she paused for a second, "I love Harry more then I could've ever imagined, but Merlin that bitch! I cannot handle her toxicity much longer" Rosalyn confessed.

Silence filled the room until a cry fell from Harry's lips, Rosalyn smiled, taking the baby from Sirius arm's, "Oh I've missed you too, Haz", she pressed a kiss to his head.

James followed Rosalyn into Harry's nursery, closing the door behind him, "Adore, I can only apologise for-"

"No need, Jamesy" She smiled, taking a seat on the small red sofa, "You defended me, you backed me up and you-", Rosalyn looked to the floor, "You called me your wife"

"You are, are you not?"

"I am, but I didn't think you'd make it so known, if I'm completely candid, I thought you'd keep it hidden from all those that do not need to know" She admitted with a shrug of her shoulders.

James cleared his throat, taking a seat next to Rosalyn, his hand reaching up to take Harry's, who giggles at his father, "They'll be an article in the Daily Prophet by next week, we've been through too
much to just pretend this is not real, if it fails - it fails, but shouldn't we at least try?"

Rosalyn leaned her head against James' shoulder, "We should" She agrees. She watches as James fiddles in his pocket, pulling out a small wooden box with the Potter crest engraved, "Jamesy..."

"Before Rosier, when I begged you to leave him, offered to marry you in front of the Sacred, I visited Gringotts, they were actually my Great Aunts, she was a Black too" He said, opening the box.

It revealed a thick golden band, engraved with the Potter crest, whilst another ring sat at the top, a small gold band with a diamond in the centre, a red ruby at one side and a green emerald at the other,
"My Great Uncle was a Gryffindor, his wife a Slytherin, much like us I suppose, after all, you are a Slytherin at heart" James teased, his hands taking hers in a delicate touch.

"Oh Evans is going to hate me even more" Rosalyn chuckled, as James slid the two rings on her finger, "They are beautiful, Jamesy, thank you" She squeezed his hand.

"Are you serious about putting Evan to rest, Adore? I can't pretend that I know the details of it, but Mum mentioned it once or twice, you won't be able to see him again" James' voice was soaked in concern, as he looked at the brunette, "I don't, I don't wanna make it look like I'm trying to replace him, because I know I could never-"

"If I, when I put Evy' to rest, it's dark magic and I don't want you near that, I'll handle it myself and if I need assistance I will call upon my ancestors and in the worst case, my cousins" Rosalyn interrupted, looking down at the rings on her fingers, "Evy' isn't mad at you, he's envious, he just wants to be here so bad, it's painful"

"I know" James pressed a kiss against her forehead, as they sat in silence, Harry fast asleep in between the two.

Three hours passed before the four, and baby Harry, waited at Platform 9 and 3/4. Harry hadn't left Rosalyn's arms, as she held him against her waist, whilst James pushed the pram, Regulus and Sirius struggled with the additional trunks.

"Erm, Adore" James cleared his throat, Rosalyn follows his gaze, as it landed on Gideon dressed in a casual white shirt and black trousers, he ran a hand through his ginger hair.

She sighed, pressing a kiss to Harry's head, "I'll meet you on the train?" Rosalyn offered, James nodded, following Sirius and Regulus, hoping to find Remus.

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