"Goodnight Marty, I love you too" I responded

Shelby pov

Toni left upset

"Can I be excused? I got a test first class tomorrow" I spoke

"Sure" my mom responded

I went up stairs and called Toni, but she didn't pick up, so I called again and it went straight to voicemail

Me: Toni can u plz answer the phone

I called again but nothing

Me: Toni plz I need to talk to u

I called again but nothing

Me: Goodnight Toni

"Siri FaceTime Dottie" I spoke

"FaceTiming Dottie💕" Siri said while FaceTiming Dot

"Dot you was wrong, it went terrible, Toni won't even answers my calls or messages" I spoke crying

"What happen?" She asked

"My dad said all these things about the lgbtq + and now she's mad and won't answer me" I answered

"Maybe she need some time to process what happen, maybe you should give her some time" Dot spoke

"No, I just don't want her to be mad at me" I said wiping my tears

"Did you do anything?" Dot asked

"No" I responded

"Then chill dude, she probably will talk to you tomorrow she just needs to chill right now because of your pops, she's not gonna be mad at you because of him" Dot spoke

"I think she mad at me because of what my dad told her what I did" I responded

"Well... what did you do?" She asked

"I don't want to talk about that" I answered

"Okay, well the best I can tell you is to let her cool down tonight and then tomorrow talk to her, explain what was the reason behind what ever you did" Dot spoke

I nodded "okay" I responded

"Are you okay?" She asked

"I'm fine, I'm just scared that she would break up with me" I spoke

"What your dad said you did was that bad?" She asked

I nodded "it's very bad, I think I messed everything up with us, but I hope not" I responded

"Listen, don't sweat it, I'm sure everything going to fine between you too" she spoke

"Yeah, You're probably right, thank you" I spoke

"No problem" she responded

"I guess I'll let you sleep, goodnight Dottie" I spoke

"Goodnight Shelby" she spoke before hanging up

I know I should really get to sleep because I really do have a test tomorrow but I have to know if Toni's okay, I can't sleep if she's not

So I called Martha

"Hello" she said sounding like she woke from her sleep

"Did I wake you?" I asked

"Yeah, but it's fine" she said

"I just wanted to call and make sure Toni's okay" I spoke

"Yeah she's fine, she was really upset but she's sleep now" she responded

"Was she mad?" I asked

"She didn't seem mad, she just seemed disappointed" she answered

I sighed "that's even worse" I responded

"Look Shelby, I don't know what happen because she won't talk about it, but whatever it is you need to make it right Shelby, you have to talk to her and fix whatever happen, Toni's been through to much, everybody always disappoint her, she deserves to be happy, she deserves to be able to count on somebody other than me and my mom" Martha spoke

"I know, ima make it right, I want her to be happy, and I want her to be able to count on me" I responded

"Well make it right, and stop disappointing her" she said but she didn't say it harshly she said it tiredly

"Okay, do you think she would talk to me tomorrow?" I asked

"I don't know, Toni is very stubborn so she probably would want some time, but she really do love you so she probably will, it depends on how she's feeling when she wakes up" Martha responded

"Hopefully she would, I just wanna make things right" I said

"Yeah, I understand, but Shelby can we talk about this later? I'm really sleepy" she spoke

"Yeah sure" I responded

"Goodnight Shelby" she spoke

"Goodnight" I responded before hanging up

I put my phone on the charger

I went over in my head what ima say to Toni when I see her over and over again until sleep took over me

It's always been you (Shelby and Toni story)Where stories live. Discover now