◇•《Chapter 1》•◇

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A/N: that picture tho-
This is at the point that Ava introduced the Daemos to pictures and Instagram.
(Y/N) P.O.V

I was on my way home from my last assassination and I caught a glimpse of green and pink fly by me. It looked to be going to the park, so, me being me, I chased it.

I was in all black, I have my ears and tail hidden in my long, black cloak. An eyepatch over my red eye-

As I chased the pink and green blur, a scent of (f/s) (favorite scent) passed my nose everything I was right behind the blur.

I saw a person with.. Horns? Maybe..? Then It turned towards the park and stopped at a bench. I hid in a tree and watched as a girl, which I know now as Ava, and a man had stopped. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw who it was.. "Ava..?!" I had whispered. It seemed as though the man, that had white hair and no horns, had been trying to get likes on Instagram. I mean- I was already popular on Instagram, but that doesn't matter now.

Ava took the picture of the man holding an empty cup, 'lame' I thought. The two peeps had heard something and the guy had jumped into the bushes with Ava. As soon as I saw the source of the sound, I readied my weapons. (Being only my small dagger I used to kill peeps) Once the three people I have come to know as  my friend, Lorelie's other friends. (I forgot their names)

I looked down at Ava, who seemed to be sad and looked back at the bullies. They knew it was dangerous to be out here at this time of night, but they are still out here?! "Ugh..!" I whispered quietly.

The dude glanced and I stiffened. He looked back at Ava, who now seemed to be crying. I was triggered by this, I don't even know why! These losers probably said something rude to her..

I threw my dagger at one of them, not trying to hit them in the head or heart. I jumped out of the tree, hiding my own appearance. I heard a gasp from behind me, which I know all too well to be Ava's. The dagger had hit the girl in the shoulder and she had been screaming and crying. I went to the girl and ripped my small weapon out of her shoulder.

It had seemed that Ava and her friend had frozen, all the while the bullies and their injured "friend" ran off towards a car that had heard the screams of the bullies. I looked back at Ava who had been frozen of shock and fear. I walked up to her and her friend and said, "If you don't want to be blamed on in this situation, then I suggest you get out of here." I had said all of that in my most manly voice.

Ava and her friend looked up at me and got up. She started to run off, while her friend just stared at me. At first he wasn't even shocked by my appearance. This dude might have been the first person in whole world that didn't look at me in shock, or fear at that.

"Buddy I think you better run off or you just might get lost." I said to him. He then looked behind him, then looked at me. "Hey, you might want to try harder on a manlier voice, your clearly a female." I glared at him as he turned and raced after Ava. "Cya girly!" He yelled back at me.

I was a little shocked at this, but I could manage. I ran off in the opposite direction, towards my home. This time I had a bloody weapon to get cleaned up now. And I was not allowing people to catch me today.

'Maybe I will see you someday.. weirdo'

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