Chapter 1

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2 months after the war Harry woke up panting at 4am, just like every other day since the war. He knew he wasn't welcome at the burrow anymore not after the war, the Weasley family pretty much blamed Harry for the loss of son and brother and they had made that very clear at the olders funeral.

 Harry himself would never admit it but a year ago he wouldn't had been able to imagine a life where the older redhead was not by his side, now all he could do was miss the older. Harry would never get over the loss of Fred he knew that. Nomatter how much he wanted to forget his pale, lifeless but yet smiling face laying in the great hall he couldn't, it was like the image was burned into his eyelids every time he closed his eyes. 

Tears were still rolling down his cheeks and he wanted nothing more to crawl up in Freds comforting warmth, it didn't even have to be Fred, it could have been Sirius, Remus, his mom or dad, anyone who was really willing to comfort him, hell right now he'd probably even let Snape comfort him. None of them could do that though they were all gone and Harry had never felt this lonely ever, not even when he'd been stuck with his aunt and uncle.

Harry took a deep steadying breath to calm himself down. After a few deep breaths he got up and with a snap of his fingers he was in his new robes. Harry had a feeling something was different about the day slowly but surely with the sun rising ever so slowly.

5 hours later Harry sat in the Black library reading a book about advanced portions sipping on his coffee. Harry had earlier that moth taken his NEWTs so he wouldn't have to return to Hogwarts the following year already knowing that McGonagall was going to invite the rest of his old classmates to redo their 7th year so they could take all necessary tests to get a better chance of a good job. 

Just as Harry was about to put his book away an owl flew in to the library, Harry recognised the owl as a Hogwarts owl with in a second, it was a beautiful owl to say the least, it had dark chocolate colored feathers and piercing lemon eyes that looked like they could really stare into your sole. Harry knew that owls often bonded with their owners and much like dogs they could feel when they were feeling happy, sad, ect. 

Harry took the letter and immediately recognized the cursive handwriting as headmistress McGonagalls. Confused as to why the new headmistress would owl him since he already had perfect scores on his NEWTs he opened the letter with care, careful not to break anything. Putting the envelope on the little table beside the couch he unfolded the note. 

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