Chapter Thirty Eight: In Love

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I tap on my knees, nervously waiting. My phone has been blowing up with calls and messages. I haven't replied or called back. I probably should.

I pull my phone out.

"I heard Adam's in the hospital, is he okay?!xoxoxoxo"

"Are you okay?

"Amy I heard Adam is in the hospital, is he okay?xoxoxox"

I text back to Ab, Carla and Grace.

"In waiting room now. Waiting for news.

I send it to the three of them. A nurse walks out. John and I stand up. Mum left to go get Megan and look after her at home.

"Is he okay?!"

"He is awake."

"He'll take visitors one at a time. He's still rough. Broken ribs and serious head injury."

I turn to John.

"You can go first." I say.

As much as I want to see him, John is his dad. He should go first. John goes into the room. I sit back down. I put my earphones in and have the volume full blast. Stay With Me by You Me At Six comes on.

Adam is okay. I haven't lost him. He's okay.

John comes out.

"You can go in. I have to get back to work. Your mum will drop your stuff off later. Adam will explain."


He pulls me into a quick hug and then runs out. I go to the hospital room. I look through the window and can see a bed. I open the door and walk in.

"Amy?" He asks.

His voice is croaky.

"Hey. It's me."

I close the door and walkover. He looks awful. He's pale, tired looking and has bruises and cuts on his face and arms. I've never seen him looking so weak. Thank God he's okay.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. I was so worried about you." My voice cracks and I feel new tears.

"Don't cry. I'm here. Look." He smiles and moves his hand.

"I don't know what I would have done if I lost you..."

"Shh Amy. It's okay. Come here."

I move the chair, which is at the end of the bed, closer to him. We're face to face now.

"Kiss me beautiful."

I press my lips onto his. I can feel the tension and worry in my body melt away. He pulls back and his blue orbs meet mine.

"See. Fine." He smiles.

He sits up and winces.

"Adam get down you have broken ribs."

He keeps pushing himself up, and then the the side.

"Stop hurting yourself you idiot." I say.

"Come and lie with me."

I get into the space he had made on his bed. His arm comes around my shoulder. He's so cold.

"Put your head here." He points to the top of his chest.

I put my head there and his other armband starts playing with my hair.

"Am I staying here tonight?" I ask. "John said some stuff."

"Yeah. If that's okay. I asked if you could."

"Of course it's okay!"

He smiles and yawns.

"Get some sleep." I say. "I will too."

He closes his eyes, and is instantly asleep. I was so worried about him. I felt like my heart had been ripped apart. I couldn't cope without Adam. That's how I know; I know now. I know that I'm in love with him.

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