Part 1

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Y/n POV:I'm quietly pacing through lines in a room waiting for my turn to perform in front of the producers. When a curly haired guy with a British accent walks in acting like he owns the place .being caught off guard, I get startled and jump. He gives me an arrogant glance full of dread and confidence and looks away. Trying to focus back to the task at hand, I go back to reading my lines and studying them like my life depended on it. I finally hear someone call my name and I
"Can y/n y/last name come in pls"
I greet the producers and walk in a room filled with different producers and that arrogant curly haired boy walks in behind me and closes the door.

Noah's POV: I walk in and close the door behind me, that strange girl gives me a confused look and I raise my eyebrows showing a nonchalant expression. She rolls her eyes and introduces herself to the producers. That girl looks weirdly familiar I've seen her somewhere, but I can't figure out where, but I don't care I'm Noah fucking jupe .i might be overreacting because usually women get flustered and fall head over heels for me but she...she didn't actually react she just glanced she didn't stare. She might be gay, why else would she react this way and with so much attitude

Producers: y/n come forward you will be auditioning e with Noah jupe the leading actor for Otis the main character.

Y/n POV:I'm starting my audition with the Noah guy trying to focus and articulate. I try to add some more emotion to the scene, trying to be has natural has I can. I start crying to reenact my script and the intense emotions that my character.

Noah POV:me and y/n are going back and forward with our lines and out of nowhere while we are going in a rough and emotional subject in the script when y/n starts sobbing. I was completely caught off guard, but I keep a cold expression and keep reading my lines. I give a quick to the producers, and they are in complete awe, they look really satisfied from her talented and diverse facial expression. On the heat of the moment I hug her really tightly and hold her then i hear the producers applauding for our beautiful performance. i try to get my self to pull away, but my body interlocked with hers feels too good to let go.

Y/n POV: I finally finish my lines and keep crying trying to add even more emotion when I suddenly feel someone's arms warp around my waist and hold me tightly I try my best to keep the physical contact even if I hate it.i kind of enjoyed it i kind of felt safe. But ill never tell him that he's already enough of an arrogant prick. When i hear the producers applauding i pull try to pull away but my body and his don't want to move. I finally push him away and start to lightly sweat from all that raw emotion.
I finally get to normal and thank them for having me and give an graceful nod towards Noah.
(A few days hours)
My agent and I get an email from the  executive producer and I get the part . I'm officially playing Otis(Noah jupe) best friend in the honey boy sequel.I am so excited so I start pack my things.
Mid way in my packing I hear a knock at the door I go check in my peep hole and se the one and only julien the most disgusting human being that has ever lived.he sexually assaulted me for months and keeps trying to get me to live with him again .I have called security on him multiple times and filled for restraining order but he keeps coming back. He deeply hurt and traumatized me but I still have to put up with his fucked up shit. I suck up all that fear and go check all my windows to make sure they're locked and he can't get to me.
(Fast forward few days later )
I'm almost done packing and I learn that the whole production and prep for the movie will take 25 days.
I'm extremely excited to start filming I have read and studied my script for multiple days and  tried to memorizes all my lines.

Y/n finally is ready to leave her appartement in Montreal, Quebec and gets on a her flight but it doesn't go straight to California I stops in New York and then she flies from New York to La .

Noah's pov :my flight from london to La went thru some wheasthwer issues so i have to land in new york and take the next flight to La .i've been waiting at the gate for around two hours and i spot a familiar looking head of hair, i look closer and it's y/n trying to find a seat in the vip section i signal her to site next to me but she ignores me and keeps searching for a seat she finally gives up and sites nex to me .i want to use this oportunitie to get to know what the actual fuck is her deal it is physically impossible to not want me. Like i always say im noah fucking jupe and i kind of missed her even if we werent very talkative the first time i met her i still really enjoyed working with her at the audition she was suprisingly  good. when she sites she puts her ear phones in and starts to lisent to her loud music. she pulls out her script completely highlited full of notes and post-its.i was flabergasted it was obvious that this wasnt her first time acting . i got curious and started to google her name. low and be hold  y/n/y/l/n award wining canadien actrice known for her roles has tony starks daughteur in avegers endgame , her role in stranger things and her role in enola holmes .i finally realized how much of a big deal actress she was i was .

y/n pov : i look over to my costar sitting next to me and i see him searching me up on google   i started to  loudly kackle and he caught me watching over his shoulder  he looks over to me and tries to erase his reasersh but i catch him red handed . he end up opening his search history .And all i  is a bunch of cats and diffrent type of rope bondage patterns i was in shock i was giggling and laughing but i was still shocked.his face turned red and he strated to get embaressed he was wishpering to and begging me to stop making so much noise and comotion  but it just made me laugh louder he got fed up with how loud i was and the embaressing situation so he put his hand on my mouth and grabbed me. from that sudden move i start to feel terror and fear  creep up from the back of my neck .so i try to prie myself out of his hands while tears were rapidly rushing down my face i was panicking.he was doing the same thing julien use to do when i didnt stop screaming when he would  sexually assault me. i finally get out of his grip and run to the bathroom few feet away our seat.

Noah's POV:I see y/n crying and let go.I watche her run to the bathroom a few few away from us I run after her.

Author's note:comment if you find grammar mistakes English isn't my first language and all this is pretty new to me .I hope you liked it !
PSA I'll be adding new parts if people want me to!

"Nonchalant "noah jupe X readerWhere stories live. Discover now