Part 3

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Y/n POV:I add a subtle and quiet
"You're welcome "
Knowing from the embarrassed and grateful look on his face i really wasn't feeling the whole torturing silence thing tonight and I wasn't about to wait all night for him to thank me. At the end of the day we were coworkers and creating useless tension and conflict between us was not going to help the characters chemistry for this movie even tho he's annoying has fuck.but it is what it is. I walk back to my room reminiscing on the past events and I can't stop Myself from giggling a little bit.

Noah's POV: I'm still standing there speechless not really knowing what happened.what the actual fuck is going on with me ? i finally snap out of this weird trance i was in and walk back to my room set my alarm . what even was that ?you're welcome , it's not like we're buddy buddy's just beacause we live together.I can't fucking believe this bloody hell.i really just need to sleep tell myself while going under the thick covers of my bed.

fast foward the morning at the table read

Y/n POV : i arrived 10 minutes early to be preapered for the read-through , to talk to the screen writers and the actual writer of the script shia .he was really nice.a few minutes later i see the rest of the cast and directors . i great and make some small talk with each and one of them to get to know them a little bite . but of course the read-through is about to start late beacause noah the lead actor isn't here yet .the table read was about to start when noah finally comes in the room looking straight at me and sites right in front of me without losing eye contact . the writer starts to talk to us about the whole history behind the script and how it was about his life.he then starts talking about how i'm new to the cast and how talented i am. smile and thank him .i examine the room a little bite but i end up spotting noah's eyes glued on me. edward cullen style , it wasn't unpleasant but i wasn't thrilled with the idea of some random britsh guy eyeing me like a hawk. i go back to focusing on the read-through trying to ignore him completely.

noah' pov: i'm trying to focus on the read-through but i keep looking at her direction.her smug look while the writer keeps praising her talents ,i can't stand her ,she isn't even that good.And even if she is we don't need to be reminded of that every second of the day geez.she is obsessed with herself at this's suffocating having to see her everywhere all the time,we get it you're prefect . she's just an annoying fucking whore. that's what she is.

Y/n POV:we finally finished the table read and start to get fitted for our costumes . I go to my trailer on set and the costume maker starts to mesure me but she  randomly end up cutting my finger while she was cutting fabric . The cut wasn't that bad but I still needed a band-aid ,surprisingly no one on set had one.defeated from walking to almost every trailer on set I finally knock on the last one.guess what it's the annoying  pot head .I say coldly  and I ask if he has a band-aid .he grabs my hand while keeping questionable but long eye contact  and he sucks the blood off my finger sensually and puts the band-aid on it.I was completely caught off guard by that weird but kind gesture.I thank him and ran out has fast has I could back in my trailer.later that morning someone knocked on my trailers door and left a weird box of chocolates with a note written on top.
The note said"I miss you love bird " out of shock I drop the box all over the floor and start to slowly panic. I lock my trailer door and check around all  it by looking in the windows.I quickly call security and they check the set for any intruders . The only person that as ever called me that is that crazy psychotic mother fucker julien.he must have found out i was in la from the press or something.I can't risk having him around .I calm down after a few minutes of panicking when the security tell me the box was sent to the reception and he didn't come actual come here. My heart rate slowly slows down and I can get back to working with the stylist for my wardrobe.
Noah's POV:after y/n  turns around to leave I can't stop myself from openly checking her out and shamelessly biting me lips ,unfortunately for me I got caught starring by my stylist Jenny but I call her Jen. Of course the remarks started flying
"Ouuulalalala the one and only playboy Noah jupe might have a crush "
"Damn and you were even drooling geeezz"
Noah's POV: My face goes red and I throw a roll of paper at her out of nowhere she did not take that one well, and like you guessed war broke loose.pillows ,rolls of toilet paper and water bottles were getting thrown .I finally surrender after she threw a water bottles at my face.
"Yeah that's what I thought British boy "
Noah's POV: yeah yeah you win this time.
"Fast forward the end of the day "
Y/n POV :I walk in the penthouse house completely exhausted from today's stressful events when i open the fridge and find my that the boba that I ordered yesterday was gone.that was the breaking point for me emotionally I start to get very angry I walk in Noah's room without knocking and I find him completely wet with only a towel on. He looked like he just got out of the shower he had a confused look on his face and I feel a small blush creep on to my cheeks
" can I help you ?"

I hear Noah's voice break the silence. I finally snap out of It ask him if he drank my boba in the fridge he says yes and I spot my empty cup of boba on his nightstand I start to get angry and I go on a rampage, about how disrespectful it is to take other people things in the fridge and how he must have not been listening to his mother when he was young tombe this disrespectful.when quickly he gets in my face

" are yo  Fucking disrespecting my mum bitch ?"
I get  completely caught by surprise from how close we were but i wasn't about to back down I. I get even more in his face and at this point our nose  are touching and my lips are slightly touching .I don't say anything and from his last statement and ask him who he's calling a bitch.
At this point I can feel his breath on my blink of an eye his lips are on mine.

"Nonchalant "noah jupe X readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें