
I'm definitely going to let Slughorn down, I thought to myself as I stared at the monstrosity that was my pile of homework. In fact, I was going to let everyone down. Slughorn, McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, even Snape (and I disappointed him on a daily basis). There was no way that I was going to be able to finish all of this homework in one night, let alone do this much work each night for the rest of the year.

Maybe I just wasn't cut out to be a Healer.

Merlin, we are not going back to this are we?, inner me voiced from the back of my mind.

We both know it's true. All I'm doing is fooling myself. Really? A healer? I have to be an idiot to think I could actually accomplish this.

We've had this conversation every day for the past two weeks and you're not coming up with anything I haven't heard before, she snapped at me.

You're not listening then! All of the reasons I'm giving you are perfectly logical.

No, they're the reasons that I'd expect from a lazy person, she chided. 'It's too much work. I can't do it. BLAH BLAH BLAH!' her voice went up several octaves as, I think, she tried to imitate me.

I do not sound like that.

Are you sure?

You make me sound like an injured chipmunk.

Your point?

I'm pretty sure I don't sound like an injured chipmunk.

Then you aren't hearing yourself clearly.

But you're always going off about how we are the same so if I sound like that, you do too.


I win this round, don't I?

No! No you don't! So just shut up and listen okay? You do fine with the in-class work and you'll do the homework just fine if you are willing to put in the hours.

You mean every hour of every day for the next two years? I'm going to have to skip meals, pull all nighters, work through holidays....

And? Don't you think it'll be worth it in the long run? You want to help people, don't you? People like you?

Of course I want to help people, but how can I help people like myself when I can't even help myself?!

You haven't had potion in months! You're doing great! Practically getting better by the day!

You really think so?

I know so!

Healer School is expensive! How will I be able to pay for that?

Your dad? Loans? We'll be able to figure it out and besides! You'll be able to pay it all back within a few years of working and then you won't have to worry about a thing!

You've figured all of this out already, haven't you?

I have a lot of time on my hands.

I can tell.

So, you're going to keep studying to be a Healer?

Do I have any choice?

Nope. And don't sound so sad about it! You want this, deep deep DEEP down. If you didn't then I wouldn't be trying to convince you, now would I?

I'll Catch You (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin