Change 2

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       Looking at Honey I seen we were at the mall. What are we doing here I asked her, my boyfri- I mean jay asked me to come. You said we were only going to get ice cream. I didn't say that I just said were getting ice cream she smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my eyes. I just want to go home and sleep. You just went to sleep, I want to sleep in my bed. You'll have fun maybe you can even find you a boyfriend. No I'm oki can I just stay in the car. No Pri you can't you have to get outside and  do things. Why do I have to I don't want too. Just this one time I won't bring you any where else. Your lying but oki I got out the car and closed the door. Walking into the mall following honey wherever she was going. I seen a group of people I took a deep breath and searched my pocket for headphones. Finding some I put them in and went to Pandora listening to sum music. Hearing All the stars by Kendrick Lamar and Sza play I humed softly. Putting my phone back in my pocket and leaving my hand there I stood behind honey. Jay noticing me he pushed honey away. Capri that's you he asked me. Yep it's me I said not looking at him. What you doing here you usually be home sleeping. We were getting ice cream and next thing you know were here. I heard someone cough and looked around. Are you going to introduce us they looked at jay. Oh yea guys this is Capri who is honey best friend. Capri this is Nico, Jazz, Clare, Trey, and lastly Niyaa he pointed to a girl. Hi I whispered they all responded in different ways. Next thing I know Nico was in my face. I can just tell were going to be best friends. Honey pulled my arm and said uhn uhn this my best friend. She gon be my best friend soon as he pulled on my other arm. Hearing them argue back and forth and pulling my arm.  Stop pulling on that girl arm I heard jazz say. Jazz pulled Nico of my arm which made honey let go of mines. So where we going first Clare asked. Ion know bout ya but I'm going to bath and body works they got a sell going on. Shaking my head as she left. I wondered where would I go. Looking around I seen it was just me and niyya. Sighing I decided to go to the Nike store. Heading towards the store I looked back and seen niyya following me. Looking in front of me I decided not to say anything. As I was about to reach the door I seen a hand already opening the door for me. Turning my head I seen niyya looking at my shoes I told her thank you. Walking into the store I looked around to see if any shoes caught my eye. I didn't really know what type of shoes I needed I just came to if there any good ones. She looked at some dunks and decided to get some. Looking at the rest of the shoes. She didn't want anything else, heading to the line to pay for her stuff she seen niyya in front of her. After waiting she put her shoes on the counter and going through her purse to get her money. The lady at the register stopped her. Looking at her confused she asked why she stopped her. The lady before you already paid for your things. Still having a confused face she realized that niyaa was before her. She wondered why would niyya pay for her things. The lady handed her bags of shoes and told her to have a great day. Saying the same thing back to her she couldn't find niyya to thank her. Hearing her phone ring she seen it was honey. Hey girl where at the food court. Hearing the phone hang up she  was excited. She was so hungry she didn't eat nothing all day. Heading to the food court she found everyone.
                Putting her bags on the table she sat next to Nico. Wassup girl he looked at her. Hi she said back looking at the choices she could eat from. You look tired he said still looking at her. I am, I'm hungry and tired. Then go get some food he said looking at the group. Rolling her eyes she got up and decided to get some Chinese food.
Since she haven't had Chinese food in a while.

While walking she seen niyaa at Charley's. Heading over there first she put her hands in her pocket since she was nervous. Seeing niyya she tapped on her shoulder and looked at the wall. She couldn't hold eye contact for nothing it was scary for her. Hmm she heard niyya said and looked at her. I just wanted to say umm t-thank you for the um  shoes. What do you mean she said lifting her eyebrow. Didn't you pay for my shoes she asked with a confused face. Oh yea I did your welcome shorty as she turned back around to get her food. Heading to get her food she paid for it and headed back to the table. Hey girl were about to leave she looked at me. Whispering I said finally looking at my food. I knew she was going to sit here and still talk even though she said we're leaving.

Getting her keys I unlocked the car and got in the car putting my shoes and food in the back. Seeing honey get in the car I put my seatbelt on. Starting the car she asked me a question. Did you have a good time she asked me. I mean I didn't really do anything but get some shoes that I didn't even pay for and bought some food. You stole shoes how did you do that and didn't get caught. Girl I didn't steal them I just didn't pay for them. Soooo- girl niyya payed for them I said rolling my eyes. How was I supposed to know that, AND SHE PAID FOR THEM. Why would she pay for them she asked. I wondered the same thing I said taking my seat belt off. Seeing I was close to my house. Bye Girllll she said as she stopped at my house. Bye I'll text you tomorrow oki I said getting my stuff from the back of the car. Oki she said as I walked to the front door.
            Unlocking the door I went inside the house closing the door seeing honey drive off. Sighing I put my food on the counter and went up the stairs and put my shoes in the closet. Going to the bathroom I washed my hands and went to go eat. After eating all my food I put my trash in the garbage and headed up the stairs to go to my room. Changing my clothes into pajamas I layed in my bed slowly falling asleep.

( A/N- So this was a long chapter the next one will be the cast 2 since I found someone to play niyaa but you can still imagine her however you want to. )

Date: June 24, 2021
1203 words

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