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Karasuno were on the bus to a practice match with Aoba Johsai this is there first practice match with Aoba Johsai

With Aoba Johsai

"Do you think kageyama has changed or still the king of the court" kunimi said
"I don't know" kindaichi said
" he has changed just to let you know just you wait and see" oikawa said

All of Aoba Johsai were shocked that oikawa was being nice and especially to kageyama (because they are brothers I'm sorry if you don't like it) and they all saw shadows at the door way and that happily Karasuno

"Yoo-hoo karasuno" oikawa said
"Omg grand king" hinata said as he drags kageyama in
"Hi tobio-chan"oikawa said
"Hey oikawa-San"kageyama said

" come on over and meet the team" oikawa said
"Ok"suga said
"Hey hinata can you stop dragging me I do have legs" kageyama said
"Sorry just excited" hinata said
" I can tell" kageyama said while giggling

Kunimi and kindaichi looked at each other and said
" wow he really has changed"
" yeah i guess he has changed"
" ok guys time to introduce our self" oikawa said
"Ok" Daichi said
"I'm oikawa"
"I'm iwazuimi"
"I'm yahaba"
"I'm matsukawa"
"I'm hamamaki"
"I'm kyōtani" ( aka mad dog)
"I'm watari"
"I'm kunimi"
"I'm kindaichi"

" it's nice to meet you all I'm suga"
"I'm daichi"
"I'm asahi"
"I'm noya"
"I'm tanaka"
"I'm ennoshita"
"I'm kinoshita"
"I'm narita"
"I have never seen you play" kunimi said which made karasuno die of laugher
"That's because we are the forgotten trio" ennoshita said
"That makes so much sense" kunimi said
"Ok can we continue" kinoshita said
"I'm hinata"
"I'm yamaguchi"
"I'm tsukishima"
"I'm kageyama"
"Aka the king" tsukishima said
That name made kunimi and kindaichi jump
"Ohh I'm going to hurt you" kageyama said
"Hey hey guys calm down" suga said
" sorry" kageyama said
"S..sorry" tsukishima said
"OMG" kageyama said
which made everyone jump
"What is it" tsukishima said
"Tsukishima apologies oh my prayers have been answered" kageyama said
Which made them all laugh
"Ok guys let get this match started" iwazuimi

After two games they had finished and are all worn out Aoba Johsai won the first game and Karasuno won the second game

"Hey guys can we have a sleepover" noya said
"Sure but not at mine" suga said
"I can either" all of karasuno except kageyama because he was in his own world
"HEY KAGEYAMA" hinata said
"What's up" kageyama said
" can we have a sleepover at your house"tanaka said
" ummm sure" kageyama said
" ok it's settle" suga said

Kageyama walked up to oikawa to tell him that his team is having a sleepover and oukawa said that's ok and that his team was also having a sleepover both teams were shocked and confused as why they were talking because they hated each other

Kageyama and his team got home first
"Wow kageyama you didn't tell us that you lived in a mansion" suga said
They go inside and but they thinks down in the living room and went to sit down on the sofa and kageyama put a alien movie on knowing oikawa was going to be home soon. Oilseeds and his team walked through the Front door and they went to the living room to see them watching and alien movie.
"HEY kageyama you said you would watch that with me" oikawa said
" wait what are you doing here" hinata said
" ohhh right we haven't told you yet me and kageyama are brothers" oikawa said

One hour later they were all still silent which made kageyama and oikawa uncomfortable

" ok this is getting weird I'm going to my room and then going in the pool goodbye" kageyama said
"Wait for me" oikawa said
"Wow they just left us here" noya said

One hour later oikawa and kageyama come back to there team sleeping so they decided to play with the lights
"AHHHH THERES A GHOST" hinata said
Oikawa and kageyama busted out laughing
" shittykawa what are you doing" lwazumi said
" you need to get up and put your thinks in your did you really think you were sleeping down here together" oikawa said
" but there is a lot of us" tanaka said
" we have enough rooms for two or three people in them" kageyama said
"Ok" suga said
"Ok I can make them dinner" kageyama said
" omg kind can cook" tsukishima said
" yes I can and don't call me that" kageyama said
" hey tobio-Chan I will make dinner and you show them there rooms" oikawa said
" umm sure ok people I don't hang out with that much to remember your names" kageyama said

Which made them all laugh
" ok come up stairs and I will show you to your rooms ok here is my room and then down the hall is oikawas room if you need us you know where we will be ok first room is Daichi and suga then asahi and noya then tanaka and ennoshita and next to them is hinata, Yama and tsukishima then matsukawa and Hanamaki iwazuimi you don't mind sharing with oikawa do you" kageyama said
"No"iwazuimi said
"Ok his room is down the hall"kageyama said
" ok watari is it ok that you are going to be by your self I'm sorry" kageyama said
" it's ok just hate it when we have couple activities yet they know I'm single" watari said
"Tell me about it my whole team is dating and then there is just me"
" but I'm single" hinata said
" not for Long" kageyama said whilst looking at tsukishima and yamaguchi
" hey don't say that" hinata said whilst blushing
" ok ok last but not least kunimi and kindaichi her is room good day" kageyama said
"DINNER IS READY" oikawa shouted up to them all
After they eat dinner kageyama and hinata went to go and sit on the hill outside and start gaze little did they know they were followed there by tsukishima , Yamaguchi, kindaichi and kunimi
" hey kageyama" hinata said whilst looking at the stars
"Yes hinata" kageyama said
" you know when you were talking to one of the seijohs players and said that we only do couple stuff does that mean you feel left out" hinata asked
" what no I didn't mean it like that I love how you guys have found the ones for you but maybe just don't do all the activities as couples activities" kageyama reply
"Hey kageyama"
" yes boke"
" Do you miss them"
" huh what do you mean"
" kunimi and kindaichi do you miss them"
" well yeah I guess I mean we were a trouble trio as everyone called us but something never last I can tell you that"
" Do you think tsukishima and yamaguchi like me back"
" hey you can be annoying as hell but have you seen the way that look at you all love dove of course they do" kageyama said laugh at hinatas red face
"Omg you are so red" kageyama said still laughing
" Shut up" hinata said as he looked like a tomato
" thank you hinata"
" for what"
" staying with me Ik I was a hand full at the beginning"
"hey that's what friends are her for"

In the bushes:
" he likes us back tsukishima" yamaguchi said
" i know yamaguchi" tsukishima said

"He miss us and still holds on to the past" kunimi said
Yeah he does" kindaichi said

Back with kageyama and hinata
" now race you to the house" hinata said running of already
" hey that's cheating" kageyama said

Sorry this chapter is so long if you want me to do any particular story just make a Request and I will hopefully get it done but I'm focusing on this story and my mafia au at the moment thank you for read this Ik it's not the best but i have tried
Next chapter will have angst in it but towards the end there is fluff

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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