VII - do you trust me?

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I don't think drugs are right but it's your life and I'm just a thirteen year old so ya... Don't always take advice from a thirteen year old 😂

"Hand it over Bik." Mitch holds out his hand and Vikk places the plastic bag in his palm.
"It's Vik."
"Whatever." Mitch walks off near the back of the room and Jerome gets up immediately and follows behind.

"You're not going to blaze it up in here right?" Preston asks receiving no answer back. Everyone else starts getting up. Vik. Rob. Lachlan. "Shrimp." Preston mutters before getting up and following the rest of the teens.

Jerome puts the rolled up blunt between his lips and leans forward for Mitch to light which he does. He inhales then takes it out of his mouth and coughs out smoke.

Preston laughs at his attempt to take a drag before taking one himself. He kisses the unlit end and passes it to Rob who takes one himself wearing the shades Mitch gave Jerome.

Rob starts mumbling and swatting at the smoke as if he was a cat.
"Haha. Jerome can't take the smoke. Spoiled people can't handle it that's what it is." Rob laughs everyone else joining in.
"Excuse me? Do you know how popular I am? Everyone here loves me!"

"Poor baby." Mitch reaches out putting his hand on his shoulder. Rob starts drumming with his hands on the coffee table to familiar tune.
"Stuck in the jet wash." (DONT JUDGE ME I LOVE THIS SONG AND I REALLY IM JUST FANGIRLING WHILE THPING IT LEAVE ME BE *plus I kind of forgot what happens here so ya....*) Preston starts singing making everyone join in.
"Bad trip I couldn't get off." Mitch joins in recognizing the Fall Out Boy song.

"And in the end!" Rob yells leaning sideways in the chair skipping the whole rest of the verse.

"I'd do it all again!" Preston continues spreading his arms out almost hitting Rob.
"I think you're my best friend. Don't you know that the kids aren't all kids aren't all
right!" Everyone laughs at the small group singing session except Vik and Lachlan who sit far enough that they aren't near them but close enough they can hear their horrible voices screeching. (ACTUALLY MITCH IS PRETTY DAMN GOOD LIKE WTF DOOD)

Vikk starts rummaging through the drawers of the teacher's desk finding a paper clips and bending it making it straight. "Come on Vik." Lachlan whines. "Won't you try it?"
Vikk looks up at Lachlan's blue eyes then at the blunt in his hands contemplating if he should take it the drugs or not since he's a virgin to them.

"Come on. One? For me?" Lachlan puffs out his lower lip and a look that could melt your heart.
"Um... I guess one won't hurt."

Lachlan smiles and walks over the blunt in his hand. Vikk let's Lachlan put it in his mouth and inhales sharply before exhaling. He looks up and notices the red in Lachlan's eyes but ignores it feeling the drugs flow through him.

It takes a second to kick in but when it does he smiles. "Feels good right?" Lachlan asks inching closer to him. Vikk nods and moves closer to him so their faces are centimeters apart.

"Your eyes are really dreamy." He mutters looking into Lachlan's icy blue eyes. "I didn't mean to say that out loud." He says louder.
"Well ya did." Lachlan smiles dragging the 'i'. Vikk smiles too and Lachlan leans in closer his nose brushing against the other boy's cheek. "Do you trust me?"

He whispers sending warm vibes throughout Vikk's body. He nods and Lachlan grabs Vikk's hand and they jump down off the bookshelf hearing the other boy's horrible singing to Fall Out Boy.

They walk over to the circle and start dancing and laughing. "Want to come listen to another song with me?" Lachlan asks pulling a white iPod out of his pocket. Vikk nods and they run across the room to the 'Computer Lab.'

The Breakfast Pack (ThePack fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin