Chapter 18: Protecting The Innocent

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Y/N: What is this party that everyone is banging on about?

Amanda: Oh it's some party to do with the Earl of Hanbridge coming. I don't really know why because I didn't really listen.

Y/N: Not really a party then. More like making an impression.

Amanda: True. Everyone is getting so wound up over it because of his son Andrew.

Y/N: Oh yeah I know about him. All the girls are always saying how handsome he is and everything.

Amanda: Not really. You should've heard Akko when Barbara mentioned it!

I did imagine that Akko would remain loyal to me but if she found other guys handsome as well, then I wouldn't mind!

Besides she probably still does deserve someone better than me anyway!

Amanda: Now I've seen that look on your face before. I might not have known you that long, but whenever you're not with Akko you're with me. Trust me, that girl loves you unlike anything I could ever imagine! She doesn't stop talking about you!

That did make me feel better, but there still was that part of me that thought she was saying this just for the sake of making me feel better.

Y/N: That's...comforting.

Amanda: Akko is well aware of the consequences of getting this relationship wrong. She says it all the time. She knows that any more damage might be enough to tip you over the edge again. It haunts her.

I know it did. She was the last person I was intending to talk to in my life. A few minutes later if she wasn't as stubborn as she was, I wouldn't be alive right now.

Y/N: wasn't for her I wouldn't be alive. I would've...k-k...

I couldn't bare to say it or even think it right now. My parents would never want me to be alone, but I was just so stupid that I pushed all the support away.

Amanda: Well it looks like she's here! It's so sweet that the first thing she thinks about when she's free is you!

Amanda stands up and begins to walk away.

Amanda: I'll give you two some alone time. Just make sure she doesn't get too touchy~.

I knew Amanda was only messing with me, but I still blushed regardless.

That girl was still so innocent and I only wanted to move onto things like that when she is ready.

Akko: Heya baby~!

Akko was now stood beside my chair, that same beaming smile on her face.

Y/N: Hi~!

She promptly plopped herself into my lap and kissed me gently. I hugged her up against me and watched her snuggle.

Akko: I missed you!

Y/N: Yeah well I missed you more!

Akko: Have you been ok today?

Y/N: Yeah I've been alright! Just been reading up on all the magical stuff! To be honest, I'm really looking forward to starting!

Akko: Then why don't we start now! I could give you some help if you wanted!

There were a few snickers from the girls that surround us, but me and Akko ignored them and continued with our conversation.

Y/N: No thanks honey. I'm still not in the state emotionally to do so. I still swing from happy to sad really quickly.

Broken {Akko Kagari X Reader} (A LWA Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن