Chapter 2- Who are You?

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I'm gonna put "she/her as the pronoun, since I see a lot of your bios say that, but you can change it to your preference as you read. <3

TW- slight abuse

"Your heart began to beat a little different"~

You'd been staring at Cordelia, taking in her presence, for a disturbing amount of time, not noticing that she'd been waiting for you to shake her hand. "Y/N? Are you okay?" She asked with a small smile painted on her face. The woman brought you out of your trance, taking her hand in yours a surge of energy coursed through you, it was a warm fuzzy feeling that made your brain release those "happy chemicals" which made keeping a straight face and not blushing impossible.

Cordelia's POV~
When y/n entered the office I made eye contact like I would with anyone, but she was different. I felt something when I took her hand. Something that I've never felt before, I think she felt it too. When she pulled her hand back she shook it a little like when you touch something and don't like the texture. I couldn't help but admire the girl. She had these piercing eyes that held all of the potential in the world, and hair that seemed to shine in the sunlight beaming from the window in the corner. She was quite the sight.

Cordelia walked you over to her desk after giving Zoe a nod, assuming that was cue to leave. She strutted over to her chair on the other side swaying her hips a little. Cordelia had done little research on you before your arrival, but she wanted to know what was going on in that head of yours.

Cordelia pulled out a file with your name on it. You raised eye an eyebrow, she gave a smirk. Grabbing a pen from a from the holder, "So tell me, who's y/n?"she asked. who is y/n? That was a question you didn't really know the answer to.
The night you turned eighteen was the same night that your life would collapse without warning. You and your mother were in a heated argument about how it was another year of being on this earth and you were still not her picture perfect version she wanted you to be. It was routine by now. It didn't even have to be a birthday, it was any burning second she felt the need to get her point across that you weren't what she wanted from the beginning like it was your fault.

Your "mom" was an ex- beauty queen. You know the ones who do pageants and shit? Yeah, so she was programmed as a child that you had to be this weight, height, or you had to fit into this size. She pictured her child to be what she was. Well you weren't. You told her from the get-go that you refuse to stand in front of some male judges as they rate your body. You didn't care what size you were. But lately it's been getting to your head. These past years she has been getting more abusive about it. She tended to throw stuff or scream.

You were putting up party decorations for the party later tonight. (We all know it was so she could look like a perfect, caring mother.) Your mother came down the stairs in one of her old pageant dresses. "Still fits! See what you can look like y/n." Rolling your eyes you put up the last streamer across the doorway. She continued to carry on with the "your not worthy of me" lecture. You had enough; words were yelled, comebacks were hit, wine glasses were thrown. Suddenly the streamers and decorations were up in flames, and your body became hot.

The next week your mom told you to pack a bag, and shoved you in a car. Apparently she cares just enough about you to do a little research about the incident with the fire. Telling you she found a news story about an academy for "the special" as she put it. You took this as a sign, you were finally getting out of her grasp on life and living your own.
That brings us here. Cordelia had all of her attention on you, her eye contact was strong. She noticed how you'd play with your rings when you were nervous, how you talked with your hands, the hate in your eyes when you mentioned your mother. It reminded her of herself and her relationship with her own mother. Which made her realize how strong you really were. She saw the tears forming in your eyes, quickly stopped taking notes, and sat in the chair next to you taking her hands on yours for the second time in an hour, the fuzzy feeling came back. "Hey, look at me." Her voice was soft, something you weren't used too. Your gaze was focused on the pattern of the wood floor of the office, anything to distract you from the situation. Getting the courage to look her in the eye, Cordelia wiped a tear from your cheek with her thumb. "It's gonna be alright. This is your home now. We are all here for you." Nodding along, Delia gave you a hug which you never wanted to break from.

"Well, I think I got all that I need for now." She went over the paper one last time. Guiding you towards the door. She gave you a warm smile. And with that you returned back to your bedroom, not knowing Cordelia was watching you in aw as you walked away, not knowing it wasn't going to be the last.

-oooh what does it mean, not the last? Idk. That's my attempt at a "cliffhanger."

This took me too long to write😑

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