~ Chapter 50: Mobius: 30 Years Later ~

Start from the beginning

"But outside of today, things really have been quiet. Mostly thanks to my queen."

"A hero back from the dead is a tough act to beat."

"The queen who kept the peace under King Shadow and through a coup d'etat does just that."

"How wonderful." Y/N smiled.

"Yeah, well, that peace of yours is at an end. Something happens in this period of time that will destroy my time—one hundred and seventy years into the future." Silver rudely said, bursting their bubble.

"During this exact time? Are you sure?"

"R-Reasonably, look, if you're doubting me because I attacked Sonic before..."

"You what? When?"

"It's... kinda a misunderstanding." Y/N nervously said.

"It was two hundred years ago! Well, thirty for you, I mean, but two hundred for me and..." Silver nervously stated.

"Guys? Guys?" King Sonic called, calming them down. "From one time-hopper to another, trust me when I say that trying to make past and present sync perfectly is sometimes more trouble than it's worth."

"Wait! You mean you time travel before?" Y/N asked in slight shock.

"Since when have you time-traveled? How?" Silver asked just as shock as her.

"I'd rather not talk about it. You?" King Sonic said.

"Er... trade secret."

"Well then."

Silver was silent for a bit until he spoke.

"A-Anyway... I'm willing to bet that the disaster in your time is linked to the group that attacked you this morning."

"Like Y/N, I mean the other Y/N said about the Dark Presence. They're hold-overs from an old paramilitary group called the Dark Legion. They have two divisions: the Dark Eyes in charge of Espionage, and the Dark Hands, who do all the field operations. They've never done anything to endanger the world outside of destabilizing the government." Queen Sally explained.

"You're forgetting Lien-Da." King Sonic pointed out.

"Ugh! Her! I never liked her from the start. Kinda figured... She never change." Y/N groaned.

"Who?" Silver questioned.

"The leader of the Dark Presence and King Shadow's right-hand woman. When I took over, she disappeared and left her family behind."

"Since when does she have a family? She doesn't even care about them." Y/N said.

"Well, that's where you're wrong. You see, she had a boy named Rutan."

"Who's the father?"

"No one knows. But she's been really close to him, but ever since then, Rutan's never been in contact with her."

"That sounds sad." she frowned. "Is there anyone taking care of him?"

"Dimitri is."

"Really? Wow."

"If we're facing such a well-organized enemy, then we'll need the Freedom Fighters!" Silver suggested.

"The Freedom Fighters disbanded years ago." King Sonic said.

"Really? Dang it... I was really looking forward to see them." Y/N frowned.

Silver face-palmed in frustration.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"There was a world-wide peace under King Shadow, despite his oppression, and I convinced them to stand down to preserve that peace when I began instilling my own policies." Queen Sally stated.

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