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Ok i wanna apologize for my black market joke

Also I don't want drama so don't bother or you'll be blocked and comment will be deleted

No enjoy this crap fest

Deku has entered the chat

Edgar Allen crow:still high?

Deku:you fucking know it I smoked so much I've been high for a week.

Mochi:yeah we can punched mineta through the wall then passed out doing a head stand.

Pbbu:I'm he sorry he did what?!

Deku:I did what soft lips said.


Deku:no one else was on.

1-a:😏. He got you there.


Deku:caught in 4k.

Mochi:shut it or no cuddles for a week.

Deku:I'll shut it.

Pbbu:ha you're her bitch.

Deku:her 🐱 wouldn't say that.

Girls:ooooooooooh shit.

Mochi:izuku stop please it's embarrassing.

Deku:alright alright. Hey what does one Canadian pilot say to another Canadian pilot after they crash.


Deku:I'm soar-y.

Sanic:that was funny after I realized it.

Mochi:my God.

Zoro:hey that was good

Deku:wrong anime.

Zoro:whoops sorry.

Zoro has left

Pbbu:who the hell was that?

Deku:who cares. Oh did you hear about that mathematician who was scared of negative numbers?

3d printer:no what about him?

Deku:he stops at nothing to avoid them.

Rip-off Pikachu:HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Mix tape:christ.

Edgar Allen crow:dark shadow is laughing like a lunatic.

Mochi:why am I in love with you again?

Deku:beats me. Hey why can't you trust atoms?


Deku:they make up everything.

Viagra:bakubro just fell and cracked the floor.

Deku:expected and accepted. What did the fish say when it hit the wall.



Everyone has facepalmed

Deku:I read this article about a guy who was on bath salts that ate a other man's face off.

Grapist:I'm sorry the fuck?

Deku:right? Also if God created the universe what created God. But then what created that.


Deku:since earth is the third planet from the sun that makes every country a third-world country.

Edgar Allen crow:STOP!

Deku:the light bulb was such a good idea it became the symbol for good ideas.

Pbbu:when does your reality become our reality?

Deku:never. Reality is always a fantasy yet fantasy isn't always reality.

Sero:I swear on my mother dude.

Pbbu:what God created you?


1-a:seems legit.

Grapist:you know what I'm gonna leave.

Grapist has left

Edgar Allen crow:I bet whenever midoriya wakes up the devil goes "oh crap he's awake".

Deku:not to far off actually.

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