Hermione smiled back at Harry and the trio fell back into silence, but this time it was comforting silence. None of them needed to talk because each one of them knew what each other was feeling. After five years together, they had become more than friends, they were family.

Their silence however was quickly interrupted by the crashing noise of the bedroom door flying open. Ginny ran inside the room, her fiery red hair flowing behind her.

"I can't take it anymore, she driving me insane," Ginny gaped as she fell onto Harry's bed dramatically.

"Who? Who's insane?" Harry asked. Hermione opened her mouth to answer, but Ginny beat her to it.



"She means Fleur."

"Fleur? Fleur is here?"

"Yes she's been here all summer," Ginny responded while rolling her eyes.

"But why?"

"Well turns out Fleur had more interests at Gringotts than 'improving 'er Eenglish'" Ron said, "Her and Bill are engaged."

"Oh," Harry said softly. He didn't exactly understand why Hermione and Ginny seemed to have so much animosity towards Fluer. She had always been nice to him during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He rather liked Fleur.

"How did you manage to get away anyways?" Heroine asked Ginny.

"Mum wanted me to come upstairs to tell you lot your O.W.L.s arrived. But I'm—"

Ginny was cut off by a very loud shriek originating from Hermione. Before anyone could react, Hermione jumped from the bed and sprinted out of the room.

Ron and Harry followed behind, but at a much slower pace. By the time they walked into the kitchen, Hermione was ripping open a letter at the kitchen table.

"Boys!" Mrs. Weasley greeted, "There you are. Breakfast is on the table and here are your O.W.L.s."

Mrs. Weasley placed a white envelope in each of the boys' hand before motioning them towards the table. Although Harry was extremely anxious to see his test results, his hunger was more powerful. Harry snatched up a piece of toast before opening his letter.

Inside was a long piece of parchment. Harry held his breath as he read his results.


Pass Grades
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)

Harry James Potter has achieved:
Astronomy: A
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Divination: P
Herbology: E
History of Magic: D
Potions: E
Transfigurations: E

Harry read his results several times before putting down the parchment. Overall, he was satisfied with his results. Obviously, he was never going to pass Divination and History of Magic. He never had a chance in Divination and considering he passed out during the History of Magic test, well his grades reflected it.

"How'd you do, Mate?" Ron asked from across the table.

"I did alright."

"Switch," Ron said and put his hand out for Harry's parchment. Harry in turn grabbed Ron's and began to read it.

Ron had gotten almost the same marks as Harry except for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Wow an 'O' in Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Ron said while handing Harry back his score sheet, "that's pretty impressive."

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