Chapter one:EDITED

Start from the beginning

I could feel the fear of the guard that called my people mutts. I stopped and turned to him, “Chill, dude. I’m not going to stake you, you’re family, alright? You’re allowed to talk freely you do know that right?” he nodded, I gave him a friendly smile which he returned and we went back to walking toward the door.

“Now, darling. You stay with you father alright, and your personal guards, these are bad times right now, the rogues are attacking not only vampires but also the werewolves.”

I didn’t answer her; I was too lazy to open my mouth. “Are you listening, Katherine?” This time I nodded, “Very good, you’re my only child and I have to take good care of you, you might be five hundred years old but to the vampires that is still a young age.”

I had been hiding something from my mother and father, and I was hoping I could tell them together on this day but since my father isn’t coming to pick me then I’ll just wait for another hundred years for my mother to come pick me up from my father’s.

“Is something bothering you, darling?” I turned to her and shook my head.

Finally we have reached the entrance; god! Why does my room have to be at the top and at the end! I better hope my father’s mansion is smaller than this or at least my room is on the ground floor.

The door opened and I could smell the two werewolves outside. They soon came into view. They were both in their early twenties, dark haired, blue eyed and around six foot plus I guess, they were both wearing simple jeans and fitted shirts and were smoking hot.

“Princess Katherine, I’m Alex Fox and this is Isaac Zink, we are your personal guards. Your father has asked us to escort you back to the mansion.”

 In a split second my mother who was beside me was suddenly strangling the two guards one with each hand, both with their feet off the ground, choking. “You two pretty boys better get my baby girl safe to her father, you hear? Or I’ll have your heads!” They nodded and I could feel the smirk on every guard’s face that was watching as their queen took on two royal guards.

“Mother, put them down!” She let go and I walked towards them, helping them get up, “So, about that man. My mother she likes to show off around her guards. You don’t have to be scared. Now where is the car? Or bike, my father likes bikes.”

The two men looked at each other, Alec nodded and Isaac spoke “We ran here, your father thought it’d be nice to have a bonding moment with you, princess” I hated people calling me princess, god!

I nodded and walked past them until I was a few feet away to turn to see them still standing where I last left them “it’s Katherine, you call me Katherine not princess and come on, we could walk, I’d like to get to know you two”

A few seconds later I was sandwiched between them. We walked home- where ever home was. I did want to get to know them.

“So, how old are you really?” Alec asked a bit ashamed.

“What? They didn’t teach you my age in werewolf history class?” I laughed at my joke and stopped when I realized I was the only one laughing and Isaac hadn’t joined me. “Of today I’m five hundred, pup” I said poking his chest, he looked shocked.

“But but but-“

“Oi! Spit it out, pup.” I snapped. I hated it when people did. I am a very impatient person. “You look like you’re only ten.”

I nodded, and then I willed myself to age into twenty one which- I thought was his age, I guess. His jaw dropped at my appearance and I turned to see that Isaac had the same expression on his face, which made me laugh.

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