Welcome to "Normalcy"

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🌸Wells' House🌺

"Addy... Addy.. Addison!"

I gripped my imaginary knife and pointed it at the voice.

"Ssstay back..." I said sleepily, then let out a snore

"First day of school." The voice then said

"School... School!" I jumped up and looked at my cousin, still sitting at my bed side after trying to wake me. "What are you waiting for? Get out!"

He stood up and backed out of my room, "Just hurry up, alright-"

I shut the door and searched my room for the perfect outfit.

After the whole "zombie apocalypse," Eliza made and sold Z-Bands country-wide. She's made hundreds of thousands of dollars, with interviews day after day. Things have settled down for her nowadays, with her even agreeing to attend school!

I pushed hangers of clothes to the side, fingering through them, still no outfit.

Zed and Bonzo are more or less the same... Oh! And Bucky hired a new Acey. Jacey, I think his name was.

Its been a week since I jumped the fence in the forbidden forest. I haven't told a soul, though a part of me wants to go back.

"Addison!" Bucky called

I quickly grabbed a random pastel blue outfit a put it on. I combed my hair, its white strands glistening in the sun. I ran down stairs, jumping off the last step.

"Ready!" I panted, tired from prepping so fast.

"Finally." Bucky grabbed my arm and took me to his car

Waiting in the pink convertible was Stacey, Lacey, Jacey, and Tracey, taking up all the seats.

"There's no room.." I muttered

"Really?" Bucky counted the Aceys, "Oh yeah! Guess you'll walk, sorry cuz."

Bucky jumped into the driver's seat.

"It's fine-" I started

The engine roared, "See you at school!" Bucky drove off.

I sighed and trudged towards the school. After a bit of walking I stopped near the Zombietown wall.

"Wonder how they're starting today." I muttered

💚P.O.V Switch💚

My alarm blared like a siren, loudly waking me from my slumber.

"Right... No Eliza." I grumbled

As things normalized, Bonzo, Eliza and their families moved out. Though, Bonzo and Eliza are now step-siblings, which means I'm the only one alone. I've got Zoey of course, she's great, but it'll take some getting used to.

I rolled myself out of bed to get ready for school.

Us zombies are also allowed to attend Seabrook High, isn't that something?

I flipped a jacket on as the finishing touch to my outfit and slide downstairs.

Zoey was playing with her stuffed animal, Zander, while Dad was making breakfast.

I took another look at my Z-Band, 7:45am.

"Skipping breakfast today, gotta go! See you after school, Zo!" I yelled as I ran out the door.

I ran, nearing Zombietown's gates, knowing that Eliza and Bonzo already made it to school. Dust quickly swarmed my shoes, I coughed and my eyes shut for a second.


I landed bottom first on the ground, parallel to a familiar white haired girl.

"Addison?" I said

"Zed!" She started, "I'm so sorry!"

"No no, it's my fault." I stood up, extending a hand towards her.

She looked at it hesitantly then pulled herself up.


"Don't mention it." I looked down, being embarrassed by the mistake.

"I guess we should walk the rest of the way together..!" She looked around, "Where's Eliza and Bonzo?"

"School. They.. went early."

We started walking, "So, where's Bucky?" I asked

"Funny story, actually..."

Before we knew it, we were at Seabrook High.

"Good luck with classes, I'll... See you at lunch?" I said

Addison smiled, then it disappeared at the last bit.

"..Yeah! See you!" She mustered, before skipping off.

I walked through the halls, empty, as I was late. The lights flickered. Not just in the halls, I looked through the classroom doors. Flickering lights. I looked to outside shops, flickering.

"What the..." I muttered, shortly after, Eliza came walking out of the school's basement.

"Zed? I was wondering when you'd show up." She remarked

"Could've woken me up!" I said, "Hey, why'd you come from the basement?"

"Had to get some books." She said, "Down there's our classroom... This injustice." She punched a wall and the lights flickered once more

Eliza looked up in awe, "I didn't do that, did I?"

"Seems like the whole town is having this problem." I informed her, "Might be a power shortage."

Eliza took another look at the lights, they flickered then returned to normal.

"I hope you're right..."

She grabbed a book from her locker and motioned me to follow her downstairs. Under the school was a leaky basement, pipes littered around the walls, and a teacher wearing a janitor suit.

"So, this is school?" I asked

"This is school." Eliza replied, "This is our new 'normal.'"

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