The PK Academy PsyKickers

Start bij het begin

Aiura blushed.

"Am I that obvious? I think you guys would be totes cute together, so I wouldn't get in your way!"

Akechi sighed.

"It's not that. He avoids you. And Teruhashi. He doesn't want to be any sort of romantic interest, so he steers clear of you two. If he..."

Akechi felt a lump in his throat. He hated the thought of it, but he knew it was a possibility.

"If he stopped being my friend... I don't know what I'd do. I don't want to lose him. Not... Not again."

Akechi felt like crying, but he was able to smile. It was a weak smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"That's why I can't tell him. I can't ruin everything. Besides, he reads minds. I'm sure he knows... How fond I am of him. He's never mentioned it before, so I think he knows that it's best if we stay like this. I'm sure he doesn't feel the same, so he pretends that it's not true."

Aiura leaned foward to hug him, in an attempt to comfort him.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Toritsuka asked.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...

"A little. But I'm sure it's for the best."

Aiura let go of him and reached into her bag.

"There's only one way to find out!"

Akechi had never seen her fortune telling before, so he was a bit confused.

"What is that? Are you a fortune teller? Is that your power?"

She nodded and held it up.

"We'll use this to see if Kusuo likes you or not!"

'That won't be necessary.'

Saiki walked up to them. Akechi looked away from him. How much did he hear?

"Saiki-san! When did you get here?"

'Please put the crystal ball away. You didn't even ask me.'

"Aw, b-but Kusuo, we were, uh, going to see if anyone was going to ask Ghost Perv out! He insisted, so I was-"

'I heard.'




No, this can't be happening...

'Toritsuka, Aiura, please leave.'

Toritsuka shrugged and looked at Aiura, and she shrugged back. They walked away, snickering.

Akechi was quiet again.

'I heard everything. I'm not exactly sure what to say.'

"I'm sorry."

'Sorry? Why sorry? You didn't do anything.'

"I'm sorry I feel this way. I'm... Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, I know you don't like things like this..."

'Don't... Don't be sorry. I'm flattered, but... I guess I'm surprised.'

Akechi looked up.

"Surprised? I thought you knew?"

Saiki shook his head.

"Really? So you hardly found out?"

'Yes. Your thoughts are very jumbled, so I can't always tell what you're thinking."

"So... What now?"

'I feel bad. Honestly, Aiura and Toritsuka were right. I'm not very nice to anyone, including you. I'm not as great as you think I am.'

"You are to me. But I'm sure you know that."


'I don't mind. If it's you. You're not as... Annoying. I think I'd be okay with it.'

Akechi couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Don't mind what?"

'I don't mind if you feel this way. I'm sure we can do something, even if I'm not so sure about all this yet. I do want you to know, that I won't leave you. Not again.'

Saiki grabbed Akechi's hand and rubbed it gently.

Akechi knew he must've been quite red by now, but he didn't care. It felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted off his chest. He practically threw himself onto Saiki, wrapping his arms around his back. It was a split second decision, but now was not the time for regrets.

"Thank you."

Saiki saw a tear run down his cheek.

He felt an odd sensation in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't bad, only different. He wiped the tear from his face and wrapped his arms around him. He didn't want him to be in any sort of pain, especially if it was his fault. He told himself it was his job to keep him safe, the same as he had so many years ago.

He felt so... Warm.

Not that he deserved this.

But Akechi seemed to enjoy it even more. Saiki sighed and figured that this kind of thing would be nice, once he got used to it.




Toritsuka and Aiura were peaking over the side of the lockers. And it seems like they had been for a while. Toritsuka was giggling with a stupid grin on his face, and Aiura was beaming.

'Shut up.'

Saiki felt more embarrassed for Akechi than for himself. Akechi was pretty embarrassed too, though.

Aiura ran over to them and hugged them.

"Oh, you guys are adorable!"

Toritsuka pulled her off of them.

"Don't interrupt their little date. Saiki might curse you," he teased.

'I said shut up.'

Aiura picked up her bag and dragged Toritsuka away.

"We'll see you lovebirds later!" She yelled.

Akechi dug his face into Saiki's chest.

"They saw that, didn't they?"

'Yup. It's fine. Forget about those idiots.'

Saiki held on a little bit tighter.

Being a part of the PsyKickers wouldn't be so bad, if Akechi was there with him.

He'd deal with Aiura and Toritsuka later.

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