"Damn it! How do I get out of this?" Y/N thought as she looked around.

Her cold expression changed as soon as she thought of an idea. Y/N smirked over at Rin and lowered her arms. Rin continued sending out gusts of wind but was noticeably getting tired and her flaps began to slow down.

"There! An opening!" Y/N thought as she noticed about a second opening as Rin opened her wings.

She then picked up a large rock and threw it with force at Rin. Rin stopped creating wind towards Y/N and sent it at the rock. The rock was blown towards the wall of the stadium and broke against the wall. The crowd gasped and yelled. 

"Look at that reaction time, ladies and gents!" Present Mic announced.

At that moment, Y/N threw another rock, this time it was larger and was thrown with all her strength. As Rin was turning back around, the rock hit her wing and fell to the ground. Y/N then began running towards Rin. Rin quickly de-transformed and dodged Y/N's attack. Rin panted as she jumped to the side.

"You're getting tired. Seems to me like this is a new thing," Y/N said as she glared at Rin.

"Way to go, captain obvious," Rin replied as she stood up straight.

Y/N clenched her jaw and sent a wave of attacks, not giving a moment for Rin to do anything but dodge. Y/N was about to kick Rin in the ribs but Rin quickly dodged it by transforming. She then flew at Y/N and scratched her face with her talons. Y/N hissed in pain as she put her hand against the wound. Blood dripped down her face as she kept her head down. Rin de-transformed and smirked. 

"You've got a nasty scratch there, babe," Rin taunted as she tilted her head.

"Not as nasty as the one I'm about to give you," Y/N mumbled as she attacked Rin and scratched Rin's arm with her claws. 

Rin jumped away as she held her arm. Blood seeped through the uniform. She removed her blood-covered hand and looked at it.

"Ladies! Another hit like that and you are both disqualified!" Midnight yelled.

Rin and Y/N rolled their eyes and growled in frustration. Y/N's cheek and lip were covered in blood. 

The class gasped at their attacks and wounds. Midoriya had just walked into the stadium to watch them battle. He limped over to the front row to watch them battle. As he walked he was greeted by Ururaka and Iida.

"Midoriya! How are you feeling?" Iida asked as he stood up.

"I'm doing better," Midoriya said with a small smile.

"Good! Now come watch! Y/N and Rin are fighting and we can't tell who's gonna win!" Ururaka exclaimed as she tugged on Midoriya's sleeve.

"I was watching from Recovery Girl's. They're doing great!" Midoriya said as he sat down.

"Mhm!" Ururaka cheered as she squeezed her fists in both excitement and nervousness.

"However, they're getting a little out of hand. They did some nasty attacks on each other. Midnight had to warn them," Iida said as he watched Y/N and Rin fight.

"I saw, Y/N's face is covered in blood," Midoriya with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm getting a little worried," Ururaka said.

Midoriya nodded with a serious look on his face as he watched Rin and Y/N battle.

Rin looked up into the stadium and saw Midoriya in the stands. She smirked and looked back at Y/N, whose back was facing Midoriya. As Y/N and Rin were sending out attacks, Rin created some distance.

What is perfect?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora