chapter 28

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Taehyun P.O.V

When we walked into the ring, I was nervous. Its been a while since I've boxed. "Alright, ready Lee Jin?" I asked. she just nodded, while her eyes were closed. "Alright, start!" Mino yelled. Then we started. 'Her foot work is amazing.' I thought to myself. Then I saw Lee Jin dashing towards me and threw a punch at me. I managed to block it, but then she started throwing fast punches. I blocked some of them, but some got me in the stomach. 'Her punches hurt.' I thought to myself. I was about through a punch, but then Lee Jin hit me with an uppercut, then I passed out.

Lee Jin P.O.V
When Taehyun hit the mat, I started getting worried, cause he wasn't getting up. "Hey, Taehyun wake up." In said shaking him. Then the others got on the mat and checked to see if he was okay. Then he slowly started to open his eyes. "Hey Taehyun, you okay?" Seung Noon asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Taehyun said. "I just learned something though." he said. "What?" we all asked. "I'm never gonna get Lee Jin mad, cause who knows what she'll do when she's mad." he said then we all laughed. "Hey, you should come with to our dorm, while Big Bang is practicing." Jin Woo said. "Sure, but we should ask before we go." I said. Then we left to go find and ask if I can go with them.

Mino P.O.V
When we found Big Bang, went to G-dragon to ask. "Hey G-dragon, can we take Lee Jin with us back to our dorms, while you guys practice?" I asked. "Umm, sure, why not." he said. "Yay." Lee Jin said quietly with a smile. "Just be careful." Taeyang said. "Okay." we all said, then left. We took the van back to our dorm. "We're here." Jin Woo said trying to wake up Lee Jin. Then we gave up and Seung Yoon just carried her in and laid her down on his bed.

Lee Jin Dream P.O.V
"Mommy, what are we having for dinner?" I asked my mom while walking out the airport, cause we just got back from Japan. "We're going to have fried chicken, and I'm going to fry them." she said. "Yay, mommy your fried chicken is the best." I said as we were getting in the taxi. When we got home, mom checked the fridge to see if daddy picked up some chicken before he went to work, he did. While mommy was cooking dinner, I went to my room and started practicing my trumpet. Then smelt smoke coming from the kitchen. Then the smoke alarm went off. I left my room to see what was going on. I saw a huge flame and mommy was trying to put it out. "Lee Jin, call the fire department." she said. I ran to the phone, and called. After I called, the flames were out of control. "Mommy, were are you?" I asked. "I'm over here." I heard her say. Then I found her. When I found her, she was under a door. I tried to lift the door off of her, but it was too heavy. "Mommy, what do I do, the door is too heavy to pick up. "Lee Jin, you need do everything I say, I need you to our family photo album, and then leave the house." she said. "But, momm-" "You need to do as say!" she yelled at me. That's the first I heard her yell. "Don't worry, I'll get out too." she said. Then I left. I did what she said then ran out the house. When I turned around I saw the house collapse on its self. "Mommy!"

Jin Woo P.O.V
"Mommy!" I heard a scream from Seung Yoon's room. Then I ran to his room, and saw Lee Jin curled up in a ball crying. "What's wrong Lee Jin?" I asked her while picking her up. "I had a nightmare." she said. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. All she did was nod her head. "I had a nightmare about the night my mommy died." she said. "Don't worry, she's in a better place, and I'm sure she wouldn't want yo crying." I said while stroking her head. Then I kissed her forehead. "I'm hungry." she said while her tummy was rumbling. "Haha, well the other guys just left to get food." I said. Then she got up to look around the dorm. Then we sat down and played hand games that she learned while in America for half an hour. Then the doorbell rings, so I answered it and was greeted by two IKON members.

Well that the chapter, I hope it wasn't boring. Please comment then vote in that order. Anyway Bye V.I.P/Innercircle Peoples.

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