Author Note

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Hey guys this is my first story so sorry for any spelling mistakes ahead of time.

This story is basically something I just thought of off the top of my head and I rolled with it.

The timeline is set after Civil War and Homecoming. All of the Avengers have made up and are living together at Avengers Tower, while The Compound is being remodelled. S.H.E.I.L.D is back up and running after Winter Soldier but remains in the shadows as it takes down the last of HYDRA.

It will be random updates, because I have a lot going on it my life but hope you guys enjoy. The story will have Irondad, Spiderson, Pepperony, Romanogers, Wandavision and any other ships you guys might want. (Comment what you want).


All MCU characters belong to Marvel.

All over characters belong to me.

Bye hope you enjoy. (:

Silent Angel  (Marvel, Avengers, Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now