Chapter 1 Part 3

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Jon Arryn had sent out ravens to all the lords of the Stormlands, Westerlands, Reach, the Vale, Riverlands and the North to assemble their armies to deal with the Iron Born. The Iron Throne and House Baratheon, House Stark, House Lannister, House Tully, and House Tyrell answered the call and began to assembler their vassals for war. Word had already reached them of Balon Greyjoy's secession and naming himself King of the Iron Islands after the successful ambush of Lannisport where the entire Lannister fleet was destroyed. The Iron Born began raiding towns and fishing villages all along the Western Coast with half of the forces heading North while the other half went to the Shield Islands and the Redwynes Straight.

Robert would meet with his vassals at Riverrun and then onward to Seagard where the remaining ships on the Western Coast were stationed. There were half a dozen long ships and two war galleys and after news of the Greyjoy's attack on Lannisport, Lord Mallister readied his fleet for a fight. Seagard would be Robert's staging ground for attacking the Iron Islands while the North readied whatever ships they could to meet them there and Stannis was sent to Dragonstone to ready the Royal Fleet and half of the Stormlands houses and sail it to join with the Redwyne fleet.

Robert had William under constant guard after his attempted kidnapping and no one could see him. Robert was in the small council chambers, talking to Jon and looking over a map of the 7 Kingdoms as they went over any last-minute details before Robert left and Jon would take control of the city until he returned. 

"We'll have the City Watch set up around the city and the forces of House Swann of Stonehelm have arrived

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"We'll have the City Watch set up around the city and the forces of House Swann of Stonehelm have arrived. They'll be stationed within and around the city in case something happens." Jon said as Robert nodded.

"Good, and remember, I want Ser Balon Swann and Dayne watching William at all times. I won't lose him." Robert ordered when they heard the door open and saw William walking in with a pack around his shoulders, a quiver of arrows on his back, a bow slung over his right shoulder and his leather belt of daggers around his waist.

"You won't because I want to come." William stood before his father and Lord Arryn like a soldier ready for war.

"William, you're not going." Robert told him.

"Let me come with you. Boys my age are already squires and going with knights to war. You don't even have to give me a sword, I can use my bow." William told them.

"No, William." Robert replied.

"Please, father I'm ready." William begged but his father shook his head.

"No." Robert knelt down so he was eye level with him. "No, William. Now, yes you did hold your own and I'm proud of you. More so than you can imagine but this is different. War is...bloody, dirty, and you're not ready for it."

William was about to respond but Robert stopped him. Robert wasn't acting like Robert; he was acting like a devout Father. "And that's that. I want Ser Swann and Dayne watching you at all times and you're never to leave their sight. Now, Lord Beric Dondarrion will also be here to watch over you and you're not to leave him as well. Do you understand?" Robert asked as William looked at him and nodded.

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