I glanced back at Giulia and said, the blush bubbling up to my cheeks again, "Are you ready to go, yourself?"

"Si!" She said in delight and stood back from me, as if displaying her chosen outfit for the day, "Been ready for an hour,"

"A whole hour?!" I yelped and quickly saw my luggage bag against the wall, completely empty, "Why didn't you get me up earlier? The train will be leaving in an hour!"

"I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep," Giulia teased and I groaned in exhaustion to it all.

I stuffed all my belongings into the brown bag and grabbed its strap, slinging it around my shoulder.

"Ah, Luca!" Giulia's mother said to me as me and Giulia walked into the kitchen, both fully clothed and ready to head out, "You'll be turning heads of girls, the older you are getting."

"Si?" I replied confused. Maria nodded her head in giggles and I went red in the cheeks again. Why could I not control my body's actions? I despaired inside with this sad reality.

Within half an hour we had made it to the train station and Maria waved goodbye to us as it took off. Giulia and I both tossed our hands about eagerly, waving with much enthusiasm and after there was literally no sight of her mother left, we headed into the train cart.

"Ah, peace at last!" Giulia joked as she leant her head deep into the seat she was in. I giggled and did the same, "Accept this moment, Luca," She said in pure relaxation, "Accept that we are gonna have the best summer ever!"

"Every day's the best summer ever when you're here!" I cheered, closing my eyes and going deep into a nap.

"... thanks," Giulia mumbled, sounding a bit shyer than usual, "Who knows? You might even meet a pretty la ragazza?"

"A what?"

"A nice girl!" she chimed at me and I laughed a little, still half asleep from the nap.

"Why would I want that?" I wasn't listening to my words and because I wasn't guarding my speech I let the sentence come tumbling out, "When I have you?"

"Oh," Giulia mumbled and I blinked open one eye to see her reaction, "Si, si..."

My chest tightened up as I swear my heart began beating faster than anything known in our universe.

"Luca..." She continued and I quickly snapped my eyes both closed tightly, pretending I was gone asleep, "Do you... like me...?"

I remained silent and only turned my head to the other side away from where Giulia was sitting.

"Luca." She said more sternly and I pretended to snore, "Aye ya!" She moaned exasperated, "Boys..."

I hoped she'd forget all about our small conversation and that we would enjoy the summer like we had done the last one.

But this summer was going to be different. This summer was going to be the summer of love. And I wasn't ready yet to face these new feelings. I doubted if Giulia was either.

But puberty was going to hit hard.

Hit so hard it was going to knock us out and leave us mangled with feelings and desires.

After an hour had gone by I finally opened my eyes up again and looked to my side, seeing Giulia was watching me and had been since our last conversation.

"Yes?" I asked and she smirked, a small grin sliding up her mouth.

"Looking forward to seeing Alberto?"

"Si," I said, nodding my head gently and she seemed to burn red blood in her cheeks as she continued.

"More than me?"

"I, um- pardon?" I peeped out and sat up straighter to see her pretty face and the cheeky yet seriousness that had overcome it, "I see you all the time, Giulia?"

"Yes," She sighed and leant towards me, I pulled myself back from her approach, terrified inside, "Is that enough for you?"

"I, um-!" I yelped and jumped to my feet, walking in nearly a run back to the front of the cart. I quickly sat down on the empty seat closest to me and I panted in and out in fear and dire need to tell her that I... THAT I-


But this would never be, this would never work.

Because I belonged under the sea with my own kind.

And secondly... she didn't love me back.

At least, I thought she didn't.

When the train eventually pulled up in the station I saw her come over to me, her heavy luggage bag being gripped in her hands and she uttered to me, her own cheeks ablaze with red blush.

"Sorry I was teasing you-!" She shouted as if for the whole world to hear. Maybe even the whole galaxy, "I was just... y'know..?"

"Uh uh?" I replied, shaking my head because I didn't know, at least not yet.

"Y'know." She concluded and walked past me. I quickly got up and grabbed my own stuff following her out of the train onto the cement that stood high above the rails. That is when I saw him, my best friend.


Mum and Dad and Giulia's dad, Massimo Marcovaldo.

"Papa!" Giulia cried in glee as she ran over to him and hugged the giant of a man as best she could, "Miss me?"

"Every day." He said with a warm smile. Giulia just giggled.

"Mom! Dad!" I called to my own parents and they hugged me tight – so tight I almost couldn't breathe.

"Luca! Oh, how we've missed you!" Mum said to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"There's my man!"

I turned around, getting free of their embrace and seeing Alberto just smiling there widely. He reached out his tanned hand and I gripped it back. We both shook each other's hand the way we always did and then he pulled me into a hug, whispering in my ear.

"It's good to have you back, buddy."

"You too!" I cheered and he only laughed, stepping back from me and looking at me fondly.

"Something's changed..." He said and then pointed his finger to my oesophagus, "Ah, I see. Your voice has gotten deeper."

"Not as deep as yours!" I teased back and Alberto grinned, nudging me in the arm with his elbow playfully and pointed me in the same direction he was looking.

Looking at Giulia.

"She's changed too," He said and pulled his top forward with his two hands as if to indicate some sort of... er, 'female' anatomy.

"Oh... si," I said, looking to the ground in case I'd be caught looking at her... 'endowment'.

"This summer is going to be mad!" Alberto continued, releasing his top from his grip and swinging his now free arm around my shoulder.

"You, me, Giulia and the sea!"

"Si!" I said with slightly fake enthusiasm, "The sea... indeed."

I was happy I was back home but something in me felt off. And looking at Giulia in the distance, I was afraid to admit what it was.

I guess you could say I was slightly infatuated.

I guess you could say that, yes.

Uniquely The Same - Luca (Pixar) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now