Father's Day For Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard William Carey

Start from the beginning

Lady Karissa gathers all of her four children and takes them to celebrate Father's Day with their father's and Lord Andrew Charles with Lord Richard William Carey along with Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR are sitting in the drawing room at Beltane Manor when Lady Karissa carrying Lady Caroline Matilda in her arms and Barbara is carrying Lord Andrew Charles in her arms and Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain are holding hands walk into the drawing room where Lord Charles Andrew JR, Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard William is sitting.

Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain run over to their father and he kneels down and takes them into his arms and Barbara brings Lord Andrew Charles JR over to him and he takes Lord Andrew Charles JR in his arms and Lady Karissa presents Lord Richard William with Lady Caroline Matilda.

Lord Richard William takes Lady Caroline Matilda in his arms and all the children call out ,'Happy Father's Day Father." 

"Happy Father's Day Granddaddy." Lady Elizabeth and Samhain tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR holds out his arms and his two granddaughters run into his arms and Lord Charles Andrew JR smiles and Lord Andrew Charles smiles and Lady Karissa brings Lord Andrew Charles JR over to his grandfather and he takes his grandson in his arms and says, " I am one blessed man to have three grandchildren."

Lady Karissa reminds him that he has three other granddaughters, Lady Alexandra Katherine and Lady Autumn Bridget and Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud Howard.

"I know that they are my grandchildren, but my true granddaughters come through my youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles and you Lady Karissa."  Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her, " Lord Andrew Charles and you preserved my line that my great-grandfather, grandfather, and father started so long ago."    

Lord Charles Andrew JR looks at his cousin, Lord Richard William Carey and says, " You have helped Lord Richard William preserve his family line that started with my Aunt, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord William Carey." 

"We are forever in debt to you for your sacrifice and your wise choice to preserve human-life." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

Lady Karissa holding Lady Caroline Matilda in her arms kisses her newest daughter and she takes Lord Andrew Charles JR in her arms too and she kisses him too and Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain run to their mother and she kneels down and she takes them all into her arms and she smiles at her beautiful children, and she tells Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard William "Blessed Father's Day To You ." 

Lady Karissa remembers a song "Faith of Our Fathers."


Faith of our Fathers! living still

In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword:

Oh, how our hearts beat high with joy

Whenever we hear that glorious word.

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!

We will be true to thee till death.

Our Fathers, chained in prisons dark,

Were still in heart and conscience free:

How sweet would be their children's fate,

If they, like them, could die for thee!

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!

We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our Fathers!  Freya prayers

Shall win our country back to thee:

And through the truth that comes from Goddess

The Universe shall then indeed be free.

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!

We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our Fathers! we will love

Both friend and foe in all our strife:

And preach thee too, as love knows how

By kindly words and virtuous life:

Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!

We will be true to thee till death.

We will be true to thee till death

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