Episode 20-Apotheosis

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Deaton: Vanishing twin syndrome?

Stiles: This is part of your expertise, right?

Deaton: Not particularly, no?

Haley: He's still alive?

Tracy: This looks bad, Theo?

Theo: I'll be fine?

Haley: Can u keep him alive?

Deaton: I'm not sure he technically is alive?

Adriana: Screw keeping him alive?

Adriana: How do we get him to talk?

Adriana: Personally, i don't think we utilize torture nearly enough?

Adriana: What?

Adriana: These creeps made me into a torture lab rat?

Adriana: You would think that they're used to torture by now?

Arielle: Adriana, remember what we said about fighting the dark side that's trying to take over u now that the balance between us is broken?

Tyler: Good girl, Adriana?

Adriana: Seriously?

Natalie: I wouldn't piss Adriana off right now, Ty?

Adriana: Nattie, i can defend myself?

Adriana: But thank u?

Natalie: You're welcome, Adri?

Deaton: Stop?

Deaton: It's electrified?

Arielle: The cane?

Haley: But they took it?

Haley: They took the cane?

Tyler: Maybe there's something in here?

Tyler: Something about how he was a genetic chimera?

Stiles: Mason had a vanishing twin?

Natalie: Now we've got a vanishing Mason?

Sebastian: Where is it?

Hayden: I brought u here like u wanted?

Hayden: How about letting me go now?

Theo: Sorry, Ari?

Adriana: Theo, for the love of God?

Theo: Don't worry, Adri?

Theo: It's a few foot drop?

Theo: They're not gonna get hurt?

Theo: You feel that, Adri?

Theo: Kanima venom?

Adriana: No?

Theo: See, Adri?

Theo: Told u they're weren't gonna get hurt?

Adriana: I'm gonna kill u?

Theo: No, u won't?

Theo: You hear that?

Theo: That's the sound of real power?

Theo: You lied to me?

Theo: You and Adriana...?

Adriana: That's right, Theo?

Adriana: The whole time?

Theo: It would've never worked?

Deucalion: It could have worked?

Deucalion: With Belasko's talons?

Adriana: Or if u were a half-breed with the power to give and take power at will?

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