Chapter 2- Damn Hay Bale

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(Y/n) POV

Soon enough a group of about 15 boys begin to sit at the opposite end of my table. They all begin talking and the conversation soon becomes very interesting. I usually try to stay out of others conversations, but who am I kidding, That's complete lie. Within minutes I'm fully invested with what the strangers are talking about.

It's funny to watch and listen to their confusion. I was correct about them coming from a maze, and watching them trying to figure out what's going on was flipping hilarious. A boy, who had short brown hair and look  little younger than the rest, is non stop talking about how suspicious all this is. "I don't believe that as soon as we escape, that these shanks come to save us at that exact moment," he says. I can't say I blame him, that is a bit sus. What the hell is a shank, though?

The Brit, with the name Newt, answers with, "these people gave us some clean cloths and water." He seemed to believe this place is ok, "They may not be perfect, but anything is better than the klunk we had to deal with in the maze." What is up with these kids vocabulary, I'm pretty sure klunk isn't even a word.

The Minho kid joins the conversation and they begin arguing. Soon all the boys join, trying to talk about what they think. It's starts to get pretty annoying and I'm debating leavening the table, but since this is MY table I decided to do something else. I turned to face the boys and yelled, "Shut it!" That got their attention and they all immediately quiet down. "Nobody gives a damn about your problems, so stop yelling," I muttered under my breath, but loud enough for the Brit, Minho, suspicious kid to hear.

The suspicious kid opens his mouth to talk, but Minho beats him to it. "Who the shuck are you, and why are interrupting our conversation?" What the Hell? This bitch has no idea what he just got himself into.

"1. Shuck isn't a word, 2. your the one who interrupted my silence by sitting at my table!" I was beginning to get angry, I knew that if I used my hands to fight one of them the rest would join in, and I couldn't beat all of them. So, I decided to use my words, "And third, I could roll you to the ground like a damn hay bale". He got up from his seat and got in my face I took a step back cause I wanted him to think in scared, I've learned that I have an advantage in a fight if my opponent underestimates me." oh really? I would like to see you try," he mocked. Next thing I know I'm backed up against a wall, I wonder if he would strike first, or if I should.

He don't really leave me much of an option because as soon as he put his arms on both side of me, my claustrophobia kicks in. Before he knew what was going on my fight or flight attacked and I head butted him in the nose. As soon as he doubled over in pain, I kneed him in the stomach. "THOMAS HELP ME!" He screamed, the suspicious kid got up and carried Minho back to the table. I fell over laughing, "told you I could do it," some other kids form the table join me in my fit of laughter, including the Brit. "I told you not to start a fight Minho," he wheezes.

He got up and stuck his hand out to me, "My names Newt."

"I know, I was listening to you conversation," I hesitantly took his hand, "my names Y/N" I looked up at his face, all his features were childlike. It was his eyes, though, that stood out to me, they were a deep chocolate brown. And they were also staring right at my, along with a smirk on his face, "take a picture, it'll last longer" I then proceeded to take out my camera out of my jacket pocket, and point is right at his face.

His reaction was priceless, "what are you doing," he questioned.

"Taking a picture, duh" he still seemed a bit confused, "I though that was obvious?" A smile broke out on his face and it was honestly kind of adorable.

"Why don't you sit with us?" he asked. That may have been the stupidest thing he could have said. I looked at him, waited form his to understand what he just said. He never got it.

"I was literally sitting at the table you're all at first, dumbass," I smiled. I pushed passes him, and sat down at my original spot. "I mean do you want to sit next to me?" He said. I got up and sat next to him.

Hope you like chapter 2 I will be updating on Wednesday. Also please take the time to vote if you liked the chapter! In case you don't know how, tap the star a the beginning of each chapter.

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Here's two more memes because why not-

Here's two more memes because why not-

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