h e a r t

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Richelle is dance captain in a S8ish setting, Noah is still on the team.

Listen to your heart, it'll lead you in the right direction.

Howcome everyone says that phrase? It makes life so much harder. Your head tells you reasonable things, your heart tells you to do stupid stuff which will never work out in the long run. At least your head plans things out, whether the idea goes to plan or not is the only problem, but at least there's some sort of logic behind it.

Richelle has never been able to listen to her heart.. it doesn't seem to talk that often. She's gotten so used to listening to her head, she's managed to block out her heart. It might partially be the reason she's known to be emotionless, your head isn't as good with emotions. Like Richelle cares though.. well normally. Today is different, her heart is speaking louder than her head.

She walks into the studio, trying to ignore the devil voice coming from her heart. They say the heart means love, but they don't talk about the heartbreak it brings. You have to experience heartbreak to experience true love. What's the point in true love then? If everyone has to be sad to have it, why do people say it's worth it?

The dancers all get into their positions at Richelle's arrival, there's no messing around with Richelle. They're trained like army cadets, but it's actually good for them. They're keeping organised, so as a reward Richelle tends to give them more breaks for their hard work. It's a win win situation. They become better dancers faster and then they get more fun.

After running through the dance a great number of times, Richelle calls the end of rehersal. Partially because they're doing well and it's getting late, partially because the devil in her heart is becoming too much.

She goes straight to the locker room and grabs the dance captain diary, scanning all the pages for something about listening to your head over your heart. Nothing. How is she supposed to be the best dance captain the studio has ever seen if her heart is overwhelmed with a devil living in it?

She puts the diary in her locker.. maybe this is more of a real life situation than a dance captain one. She grabs her phone and starts to search the internet for a possible answer on whether it's best to listen to your head or your heart. It's all mixed opinions.

Following your head is more logical.

Not listening to your heart could lead you to a life full of regret.

Go after whichever one you want more.

If you follow your heart, you're just guaranteeing heart break.

You're heart will make you happier.

Your head will make you happier.

Your heart doesn't think of outcomes, it's always irrational, but the head is always rational and thinks of every possible outcome.

But what if neither are logical? What if they're both telling you to do something stupid? What if neither will make you happy? What if either way, there's a bad outcome?

None of it makes sense, well not to Richelle anyway. She's been taught to always listen to her head, but what if she can barely hear her head? What if maybe, just maybe, the voice isn't a devil. What if it's an angel?

She searches for more answers on the internet, starting to read random stories from random people. Half say listening to their head was the best, half say listening to their heart was the best.

Lost in thought, she doesn't notice Noah come in. She doesn't notice him grab a towel and drape it around his neck. She doesn't notice him grab his car keys and throw them in the air, catching them perfectly. She doesn't notice the worried look grow on his face when he sees a tear roll down her cheek. She only notices him when he comes and sits next to her, putting his arm around her.

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