Chapter 1 - Olivia

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Olivia's POV

"Good, you're awake," a black man said, his dark leather coat and eyepatch a stark contrast to everyone else in the room.

"Where am I?" I asked, shocked upon hearing my voice for the first time.

"This is SHIELD, I'm Nick Fury and we retrieved you shortly after the Avengers stormed the Hydra headquarters. The real question is who are you?" he said flipping through a folder.

"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one with the folder."

He clearly knew more about me than I did. If my insticts are correct, that folder contained files about me.

"Smart." he said with an impressed expression. "Your name is Olivia Peterson? Does that ring a bell?"

I tried to remember but the more I tried, the more my head hurt. "Agh! Make it stop!" I screamed in agony. It felt like my brain was on fire.

"Don't stress yourself out. We've found out that you've been injected with another version of the super soldier serum." Nick explained.

"The what now?"

"It's a serum that enhances your strength, agility, and overall physical status. But what makes yours different is that it has stronger memory blockers. That way, when you or other people try to recall a memory, you'll feel tremendous pain."


It's been a month since I woke up in SHIELD's headquarters. Since then, I've trained and started working for them on some missions. Just now, Nick called to see me in his office.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, your last mission was a success. Your plan worked nicely. Congratulations." he started.

"I know that tone Nick, you're only subtle when you're about to say something upsetting."

"Okay, then. SHIELD is lucky to have an agent like you but, I feel like your potential can be used elsewhere." he stood up from his chair only to lean on his desk.

"Where exactly?" I asked, maintaining my cold facade.

If I've learned anything, it's that emotion is the primary flaw and weakness in humans.

"The Avengers. Compared to what they face, SHIELD's missions are a calm haven. You're craving for that, I can tell by the way you excessively shot that man in Germany." Nick handed me a profile of all the 'Avengers'.

"I'm doing fine here. And that man deserved it." I defended.

"That man was dead, you first shot him in the head. You started walking away but you came back and proceeded to shoot him in the chest and back to the head. You're unstable. But so are the Avengers. You'd get along with them."

I was about to protest when two agents came and handcuffed me. Great. Guess I  don't really get to have a say in this.


Bucky's POV

"So, Bucky, what do you do?" the waitress asked, only now she was in a denim dress.

"Just... boring stuff," I said, hands in my pockets.

The evening had a cold vibe to it, fog covering the ground. But somehow, I felt warm talking to her. She looked at me and laughed.

"Okay, I won't pry. What brings you here?" she asked again. I couldn't see her face. I wish I could.

"Business...?" I hesitantly answered.

"Uh-huh, got it. Something tells me you're full of secrets, Bucky," she stated and ran in front of me. She was walking backwards now, her body facing me.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know."

"Well, I'm a waitress, obviously. My mom's dead, my dad left before I was born. I have a sister but she went to LA and never really came back, so... it's just me." her cheerful tone didn't match the theme of what she was saying. So she has a backstory.

"It's just me, too." I said, clearly relating to the feeling of being alone. Only difference was she was abandoned while I, on the other hand, did the abandoning part.

"But hey, on the bright side? Tonight, it's just us." she said with an innocent bliss and stopped walking.

I stood there, watching her for a bit, then I walked towards her and kissed her.

"I don't even know your name," I said in between kisses.


I woke up, disoriented. Another dream. This time it was about her, the others were mostly me killing people.

It's been a few weeks since I came to the tower. After that, I've been trying to help out Steve and his friends. We fought some bad guys every now and then.

"Buck, you awake?" I heard Steve calling outside my door.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." I said as I put on a white shirt and some baggy pants.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's been an attack earlier, something about aliens and infinity stones. Anyway, Tony wants us all in the conference room." he replied, patting my shoulder before leaving.

I followed suit. The conference room was packed. There was even a weird sorcerer with a cape that seemed to be able to move on its own and a... Spiderboy?

To be honest, I didn't really listen. If they told me to do something, I would. Planning like this made me feel sleepy.

When the meeting finished, Nat called me to stay in the conference room where Nick Fury entered along with a handcuffed girl.

"Barnes, Agent Romanoff, I'd like you to meet Agent Olivia Peterson." he started. Nick, always one for subtle introductions.

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