Chapter Four: The Carriages

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I hop into the carriage and settle the three children (Margarita, Grace, and William) around me on their red velvet seats. After we are all seated, William, who is the son of Will and Harry's private secretary, glances over at me.

"Pippa, you look really pretty."

After saying this he blushes furiously and looks away quickly.

I smile. "Thanks, William. You look pretty dashing yourself."

He looks up surprised. "Really?"

"Of course!" I reply with a grin.

William continues talking to Grace and Margarita, leaving me to stare out at the other carriages getting ready. Suddenly, I feel someone tapping my arm. I turn around to find myself staring right into the glinting blue-gray eyes of Harry.

"I've definitely got to agree with little William. You look stunning, Pippa."

Now I'm the one blushing. "That uniform isn't bad on you either." I reply.

"Is this my answer?"

"No. I said it isn't bad. Never that it was good. I'm only flattered that you think I look nice."

"Oh, Pippa not nice, stunning. You just wait until you go down that aisle holding Kate's dress."

I laugh. "Ya right Harry. All the girls are going to be looking at you with their 'Marry Me Harry' signs."

Harry shrugs. "Just you wait Pippa."

He then walks off toward his carriage.

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