my scary flower☘ [2/2]

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Part two of "Flower boy"

Sapnap got closer to Dream swapping prostions to be facing him, moving Dreams hand underneath his shirt, and one down on his thigh as he put his arms around Dreams neck.

Dream was bright red with his new prostion  that he and Sapnap was in Sapnap had light blush.

"S..sapnap what is going on in your pretty little head" Dream said lowly with  a flustered tone is voice.

"I thought-" Sapnap started as he was interrupted by Dream kissing him.

Sapnap insntly kissed  back wanting this for awhile  now, it felt like literal fireworks to the two, like a Dream come true for Sapnap, but soon Dream broke it.

"Is that what you wanted pandas?" Dream said quietly slowly  rubbing Saps thigh.

"Yeah that is..." Sapnap said quietly.

"You wornt the only one" Dream whispered into Sapnaps ear.

Sapnap went in for another kiss, this time it felt different, like the world stopped around them as the kiss deepened, and Sapnap pulled Dream on him not breaking the make out session, Dreams grip tighten on Sapnaps waist as Sapnaps arms go around his chest, Dream sucked hard on to Sapnaps tounge becoming like full on beasts not wanting to separate but his for a quick breather instantly going back to makeing  out agign.

That was when Gorge walked into the house seeing his ex and bestfriend  making out on the couch.

"What the hell is this? Dream we ligit broke up not even 3 days ago" Gorge said.

The two broke apart breathing both giving Gorge a death stare.

"I'm sorry? Your mad I moved on from your cheating ass?" Dream snaped at him through breathing.

"I didn't mean to!" Gorge screamed.

Dream looked at the boy he was pinning to the couch who just looked pissed.

"Gorge really? I stepped down for you and you cheat on him?" Sapnap said annoyed.

"Aleast I'm not obsessed with flowers for some beziare reason" Gorge said condensing tone.

"That's actually  what's adorble about him, his soft side" Dream said coldly getting of the boy he was just making out with.

"Gorge you have 5 seconds  to get out of this apartment before I come unglued" Sapnap said giving his death stare.

Now Gorge has seen his bad side before, he back up solwy out the door closing the apartment.

Sapnap then got up and pinned Dream to the wall "now where were we?" Sapnap said with a smirk.

Dream put his arms around Sapnaps waist picking him up carefully taking him off to his bedroom "mmm my little scary flower, would you be mine?" Dream questioned.

"Yes of course I'll be yours Dreamie" Sapnap said cuddling closer in his now boyfriends arms, putting his head on Dreams shoulder.

Dream just smiled at his boyfriend as he fell backwards onto the bed pulling Sapnap closer as they slowly  fell asleep.

Flowernap : )

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