Chapter Forty-Six - Troq

Start from the beginning

    "That was some amazing flying," Robin says, clearly in awe.

    "Thanks," Val-Yor responds, before confirming my suspicions as he introduces himself. "Val-Yor of Vernathia. Pleased to meet you."

    "I'm Robin, and we're the Teen Titans," the Boy Wonder says. "That's Raven, Beast Boy..."

    "Cyborg," the mechanic male says, taking it upon himself to make an introduction and give his share of compliments. "Man, you sure know how to make an entrance." He shakes Val-Yor's hand as he speaks, the embrace lasting longer than I expect it to.

    "It's all in a day's work," Val-Yor replies smugly.

    "This here's Ember," Robin says, motioning his head towards me.

    Val-Yor turns to me and smiles, and I offer my good hand for him to shake. "Pleasure to meet you, sir," I say, and the alien takes my hand softly, as if being careful to break it. I almost begin to dislike Val-Yor as I catch him eyeing my cast, but then he smiles at me and my doubt dissipates.

    "Please," he says. "Call me Val-Yor." He lets go of my hand and I smile as I take a step back next to Robin.

    "You do that every day?" Beast Boy asks, staring up at his new idol.

    "Nope," Val-Yor states. "Most days, I fight more than just two of 'em."

    "So today's a slow day for you?" Raven asks.

    The alien chuckles and grins at the cloaked girl. "Exactly."

    "Val-Yor!" Starfire exclaims, the last Titan to introduce herself. "I welcome you to Earth."

    Val-Yor stares at Starfire, seemingly unimpressed, before turning to Robin. "I see you have a Tamaranean," he says blankly, the proud tone in his voice completely gone and replaced with none at all.

    "Yeah, Starfire's part of the team," Robin replies nonchalantly.

    "So, who were those guys?" Cyborg asks, moving on.

    "They weren't guys at all," Val-Yor tells us. "Why don't we tackle them at your base?"

    Robin glances at Cyborg, then at me. "Sure." I doubt the other Titans would object, and so when none of them say anything, I step forward. "Right this way."

    I walk off the hill and jump onto the boulder that I used to get here and Robin hops on. "You need a ride?" Robin asks Val-Yor.

    "That's very kind of you," Val-Yor says, and I catch the all-too-familiar glint in his eye that suggests that he's too vain to accept the Boy Wonder's help. "But don't worry about me. If I can defeat two Crixies, I can get to your base." 

    Robin smiles and nods. "We'll see you there," he says. I stand up, holding my hands out and digging my feet in the ground slightly to balance myself before taking off in the direction of Titans Tower.


    I sit next to Starfire as we stare up at the Titan computer, currently displaying three creatures unfamiliar to me, no doubt alien. Five red eyes sit on its face, in a cross-like formation, and the rest of its skin is a combination of two different shades of blue.

    "The Locrix are vicious fighting machines," Val-Yor begins, standing in front of the display.

    "Machines?" Robin questions, the only Titan not sitting. His arms are folded as his eyes narrow at the alien pilot's words. "What do they want?"

    "Nothing less than total galactic domination," Val-Yor replies. "The Locrix think they are superior to organics..." On cue, two images show on the screen and Val-Yor adjusts the angle that he faces us at so that we can see them better, "and they are determined to wipe us out."

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