The glade 101

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They put me in what they called "the pit" for a night and told me to get some rest, of course I couldn't sleep I had no bloody idea what was going on and they expect me to sleep do they have any common sense.

A while later, this short boy he must of only been about 13-14 came to me and gave me some food he told me his name was chuck, and he just started talking

" hi I'm Chuck, I know this is all confusing alby will explain soon he's busy at the moment.. everyone's been talking about you, there all saying your really pretty, I haven't seen you properly yet please can you step into the light a little"

I didn't move I couldn't trust him just yet, he continued

" it's ok you don't have to, here I brought some food"

I didn't take it, he still continued

"not hungry? That's ok just make sure you eat soon, it's ok to be nervous I was just like this when I first got here except I was starving so I ate but that's me, that's not you, your the first girl here you know, we're all quite curious but it's good your here"

I finally had the courage to speak up
"where is here?"

He answered with

"oh so I'm not going to go into to much detail but we
were sent here, we don't know who by or why but all we know is our memory has been erased all we get to keep is our name, don't worry if you can't remember yours it will come to you, we've been here for 3 years a new person is sent up every month, this month it's you. Alby will be here soon welcome to your new home"

He left , night fell and in the morning this man came up to me he must of been older than all of them, he said

"hey I'm Alby this is all going to be scary and confusing but don't worry we've all been through this"

He opened the pit and reached his hand in to help but I didn't take it I got out myself

"Not much of a talker aye"

I just looked to the ground I didn't know what to say he seemed so calm

" so I've got a few questions I hope you don't mind answering, you don't have to talk you can nod and cross your head"

I nodded

"Ok good, do you remember your name?"

I crossed my head

" ok don't worry about it, your name will come back to you, do you remember anything from your past life?"

Again I crossed my head, a boy started running towards me and Alby, it was the blond boy from before

He was speaking to Alby

"How's the new greenie"

What the hell is a greenie, The blonde boy kept staring at me, Alby looked confused on what to say which confused me he could just say good or bad. He finally spat out

"She's quiet but getting there"

What did that mean? ugh this is so confusing! Alby showed me around and I still didn't say anything, he looked concerned but he still tried being as nice as he could it was sweet and just before he left he said "you can trust us you know,try not to live inside your own mind because you will miss the rest of the world around you" then he left to do some sort of leader stuff.

I was caught up with everything, and I had got some of there names now, the cute bo- I mean the blonde boy is called newt and the dark haired boy is called Gally I don't like him that much, oh and of course Chuck and alby

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