Uchihacest: hospital days; 2 part of "Love on the floor"

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 Itachi keeps coming back every day, spending most of the nights in the hospital room with the brother. Sasuke gets better and better but grows impatient seeing his brother there all the time. Eventually he suggests Itachi not to come the following day. Itachi is confused, he doesn’t understand his brothers’ reactions. He speculates if it’s got anything to do with the upcoming wedding.

Sasuke,does it worry you, my wedding?” ,asks Itachi, before leaving. Sasuke is giving him a glare, and Itachi reads jealousy and hatred in it.

No, why should it?”

Itachi shrugs the shoulders uncertainly, a bit disappointed. The topic seems to be closed, nothing to add to conversation from both sides. Itachi turns to leave when Sasuke stabs him with the question: “Do you love her?”

Itachi doesn’t answer. He can hear well hidden pain in the brothers’ tone.

How can you answer that? It’s not fair, he knows it himself. Of course there is no place for anyone else in his heart, besides his otouto, his little Sasuke. But he made a promise and couldn’t back up on his word. He killed this womans’ man as a part of the mission but instead of revenge she saved his, Itachis, life. Besides she was expecting a baby, and Itachi promised he would repay the debt to her, by marrying and raising the child as his own. He persuaded himself it was a needed sacrifice. He shouldn’t have done it. Now he has hurt his otouto.

“Yes, I do love her” he lied. He didn’t.

Sasuke turned the head to the window and stared away. It was a beautiful day early in the fall, calm and cool. Sasuke hated that day more than anything in the entire world.

“Get the hell out”, he said to his brother not turning the head, in plain emotionless voice.

tachi walked up to his bed.

“Sasuke, you don’t understand. Let me explain”. Itachi took brothers hand into his, but Sasuke pulled it out as if burnt and hid it under the blanket.

“I said, get out”.  His eyes are staring at nothing.

I can’t look at him. How can he do this to me? Aniki, how can you do this to me…after everything?

Itachi doesn’t move.

“Get out!” Sasukes scream brings the medics into the room, they rudely push Itachi out of the door.

Itachi walks home. Broken.

Sasuke doesn’t want to see him anymore. Itachis’ wedding day is getting closer. Sasuke is to be released from the hospital soon. Itachi is suffering in quiet. He sits daily outside his brothers door, waiting. The medical personnel keep an eye on him constantly- he is not to be let into patients’ room. It changes nothing. One night Itachi makes an attempt of climbing into the brothers’ room by the wall. It’s only second floor, so he manages it unseen. Sasuke is asleep but he wakes up as soon as Itachi approaches his bed.

< this part contains lemonness/ incest >

“What are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come back. I don’t want to see you”

Sasukes’ voice is cold. He despises his brother.

“Sasuke”, Itachi is not going to give up so easily. He has waited. And waited. How long should he be punished for?

“Sasuke, it doesn’t change how I feel for you. It doesn’t change anything, you know it. We will always be together, I promise!” Itachi is speaking fast, with passion. He doesn’t realize his words don’t touch Sasuke in a slightest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2013 ⏰

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Uchihacest: hospital days; 2 part of &quot;Love on the floor&quot;Where stories live. Discover now