3: Who's the New Girl?

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Bowman took Captain America's hand as he hoisted her back to her feet. He shot her a gentle smile, only to be met with a sarcastic glare.

Staring into Steve Rogers' eyes, Bowman went to speak when suddenly a beam of light burst in front of her eyes. It was so bright that it blinded both Bowman and Steve for a moment.


"God damnit..."


"Fuck you!" Bucky grinned at his old best friend, turning his face towards a new fight.

"Where the hell did she come from?" The man in a busted robo-suit stated while pointing at Bowman.

"Where the hell did you come from?" She retorted.

The palm of his hand was pointed right at her face, giving her the impression that this was probably not a position she wanted to be in.


Bucky and Bowman did not hesitate to follow Captain's orders, sprinting for the exit door. A barrage of poorly aimed blaster beams followed them, leaving scorch marks in the 100-year-old concrete.

"Calibration systems malfunctioning."

"I KNOW THAT FRIDAY!" Iron Man screamed, continuing to send what might he had left Captain America's way.

The team bolted for the exit, weaving through the complicated maze of the Hydra bunker with relative ease thanks to Bucky and Bowman's knowledge of the place. Steve followed their path, struggling to protect them without his trusty shield.

Out of pure pettiness and rage, Iron Man flaunted the shield on his arm as he continued to hunt down the traitors. "You see this shield? This was my FATHER'S shield. He made you, and you threw it ALL AWAY for a fucking CHILDHOOD FRIEND?!?"

Blaster fire continued to rain around the group as they bolted through the concrete structure.

"Say his name Steve! Say his name! HOWARD. STARK. You see his face Bucky? The man you KILLED?!?"

Bowman, in a desperate attempt to slow the madman down, grabbed a nearby propane tank and threw it behind her. It crashed against the metal grate floor with a loud CLANG.

"And YOU!!!" Iron Man continued. "Where the hell did YOU even come from? You think this is funny? That this is a game? You're siding with TRAITORS!!! MURDERERS!!! ALL OF YOU!"

Iron Man pressed a button on his suit, launching a series of pen-sized heat-seeking missiles before sending one last blast their direction.

The blast went the wrong direction, hitting the gasoline that was leaking from the propane tank. The area burst into flames, with the heat-seeking missiles exploding amongst the embers.

The smoke clouded Iron Man's path, allowing Steve, Bucky, and Bowman to get ahead.

Just as they were exiting the compound, a very confused T'Challa stood with a handcuffed man - none other than Zemo himself.

"Should I even ask?" T'Challa questioned, eyeing up the injured troop and sudden newcomer.

"Just fly," Steve commanded as they all ran for the Quinjet.

Quickly sitting inside, the five crammed into the small plane before taking off to the skies. Just as they were airborne, Steve was able to turn around to see a disheveled Tony Stark standing in front of a frozen base in the middle of nowhere. His heart pained that he could not help such a lost man.

Seeing the pain in Steve's eyes, Bucky simply patted his best friend's shoulder.


That was all Steve needed to hear.

The silence was jarring. Bowman wasn't completely sure what she got herself into, but she could tell from the thinning air that this was a moment of significance. Of pain. Sorrow. Grief.

The group sat in silence for a minute as the plane stabilized itself in the air.

"So." T'Challa began, his words cutting through the tension like a knife. "Who's the new girl?"

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