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For those who haven't seen Civil War in a hot second, here is a refresher on the plot of that movie:

Zemo used to live in Sokovia, which has since been destroyed thanks to Ultron's plot in Avengers: Age of Ultron. After seeing superheroes/heroines destroy his home country, he decides to try and rid the world of all super soldiers.

To do this, he needs to find (and presumably kill) Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, and any other super soldiers that were part of Hydra's program. He starts by interrogating one of Bucky's past handlers who had the infamous red notebook. The handler gives up no information and is killed. Zemo takes the notebook.

After the events in Sokovia in Avengers: Age of Ultron, countries around the world agree that the Avengers have too much freedom and need more regulation so they don't accidentally become menaces to society.

They propose the Sokovia Accords, which would make the Avengers a fighting force that can only be deployed in situations that the United Nations agrees on. If the Avengers don't sign, then they have to retire from superhero work.

Team Iron Man agrees with the accords because it means the team sticks together, even if it means giving up some autonomy to several world governments. This team includes Iron Man, War Machine, Black Panther, Vision, and Spiderman.

Team Captain America disagrees with the accords because it means that they can't control the fights they go into. This team includes Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Ant Man, Falcon, Hawkeye, and Scarlet Witch.

Black Widow is on the fence, flipping between the two groups.

The Avengers signing the accords meet in Venice, Italy to sign the Accords. Zemo uses a nano mask to take on the appearance of Bucky Barnes and blows up the Embassy. In this bombing, King T'Chaka of Wakanda is killed, leaving his son, T'Challa, the new king. T'Challa promises to kill Bucky in revenge.

For this supposed crime, SHIELD hunts down Bucky and arrests him. However, Zemo infiltrates Bucky's interrogation by killing and then impersonating the psychologist called in for the job. Using the red notebook, Zemo makes Bucky become the Winter Soldier so he can ask questions about a specific date in 1991.

What happened? Well, Bucky was sent on a mission to kill two people and steal vials of the super soldier serum from the trunk of their car. This serum was then used to make six other super soldiers. Bucky tells Zemo of there whereabouts before Zemo leaves without a trace.

Following this, Steve Rogers teams up with Bucky to go to the base where Zemo is going because they assume Zemo wants the super soldiers for a personal army. Tony Stark ends up following them after realizing Bucky did not cause the Embassy explosion. T'Challa, however, does not know this and still blames Bucky for the death of his father. T'Challa follows Stark, who follows the Duo of well-aged grandpas.

Bucky and Steve find that the other super soldiers have been killed - shot in the head while in their cryo state. Zemo speaks to them from a bulletproof room explaining why he wanted them all dead (as explained before). Stark enters behind, catching the tail end of Zemo's stereotypical evil villain monologue. T'Challa is silently listening from afar, and realizes from their conversation that Bucky is not to blame for the incident. Forgiving Bucky, T'Challa now turns his sights on Zemo.

Well, this is where Zemo pulls out the video from the infamous 1991 case he worked so hard to fish out or Bucky. Those people that died? Yup, those were Iron Man's parents. Zemo plays this tape with the idea that Stark will kill the last two super soldiers, ridding humanity of them once and for all.

Of course, this doesn't work. You have two badass super soldiers - one of which has an indestructible arm - versus a billionaire with some gadgets. They beat Iron Man with relative ease.

While this fight is happening inside, Zemo has snuck outside followed by T'Challa. Zemo asks the new king to kill him, only for T'Challa to say he is ending the circle or violence here. Knowing his life is either death or prison, Zemo attempts to shoot himself when T'Challa pulls the gun back, stopping Zemo in his tracks.


Captain America (Steve Rogers), Iron Man (Tony Stark), and the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) are in the Hydra base that contained the Super Soldier experiment. There were 6 other super soldiers, but all of them were shot by Zemo in their sleep. Zemo is currently being imprisoned by the Black Panther (T'Challa).

This book begins RIGHT at the end of Civil War, which I have included just to give further context.

This book will stitch together the last few scenes of the movie with the end credits scene.

Hopefully this explains everything.


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