Chapter 2

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My lecture was too boring for me to cope so I decided I would return to my music and begin the assignment while the professor droned on about something controversial as always. Replay came on and even though it is one of their oldest songs, it still makes my heart race. I decide to put it on repeat. I looked up to see the Professor writing something about a practical so I decide to listen.

"Let's see your personality. What do you love. What makes you feel loved? Pick a song, learn it and perform it for us. Okay so tomorrow's performances will come from " and a list of around fifteen people were called. Myself included.
Well I already know the words to their songs pretty much. And in two languages. So, I decided to go with my first one I learned in Korean, Hello.
"And be on your best behaviour. We will have scouts and special guests watching"
Okay now I was nervous.
I was too nervous even to go to the language lunch. I phone Anne and confided in her
"Jess, listen. You cover songs and put them on the internet for everyone to see. If you screw up they can always just watch them. Anyway, you won't screw up! I'll get out of class to come and support you!"

"Oh thankyou so much!"
Our conversation was short as I had arrived at the lunch which Anne had made sure I would attend.
I began walking about, checking out the stalls set up. I was in the middle of turning my music up, when I felt something hit my shoulder, making me twist around and stumble backwards.

"Aish! Watch where you're going!" The voice said.

"Sorry" I mumbled, still too dazed. I gathered my earphones which had fallen out and my phone, which had thankfully not cracked. I began to get up and said:

"I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't cause any trouble" I was speaking in English as was the unknown voice.

"That's okay. Don't worry about it"

I looked up to look at the voice and saw a guy, taller than me looking down at me, his blonde hair pushed to the side, just reaching his left cheekbone. And man were his cheekbones visible. He looked oddly familiar. I paused my music and tucked my phone in my shorts pocket, since we had to socialise at this thing.

"So where are you from?"

"Ireland" I replied, smiling. It felt slightly odd speaking my own language, but I prefer to keep my Korean secret. It can come in handy when eavesdropping, you wouldn't believe it.

Our conversation seemed to flow easily, but the whole time we were speaking all I could think about was how familiar the guy was. I couldn't even focus. Until it hit me. Just as he flicked his hair slightly, I took notice of the spot of hair missing on his eyebrow. I mentally slapped myself before I reacted.
Oh. My. Gosh.
Key is standing in front of me.
Kim. Kibum. Right here. In front of me.

I managed to compose myself and continue the conversation until he says:
"So since you've been in Korea, have you listened to any Kpop?"

I begin and internal battle. Do I say yes? Do I act like I know him? Do I pretend I don't know who he is? Do I deny listening to it? But before I could think the words were out of my mouth:

"No actually. I tried but I just can't seem to get into it". I surprise myself with the charismatic smile I manage to give at the end.


Flaming charisma.

Hahaha that always gets me.

"Aw that's a shame.....What's so funny?"

Oops. Why can't I keep my internal laughs internal, darn it.

"Oh, um nothing. Sorry. Nerves, you know"

"Oh yeah I know what you mean"

"Um I'm sorry but I really have to get going. I have an assignment due tomorrow that I totally forgot to work on. See you around" I finish by saying 'Key' in my head. Thank the Lord it stayed in there. I began to walk away.

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