Origins: Dynamite

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Katsuki POV:

I was born in a wealthy household. I had everything that I fucking wanted. The clothes, the games, the food, and even have the hero action figures of my favorite heroes. You might ask how do I have all of this? It's because I'm fucking rich.

My mother is the CEO of a popular fashion company in Japan and even designs and creates the hero costumes of some of the most popular pro heroes. She was hardworking, maybe a little too hardworking since she never had the time for me.

While my father is the pro hero Bomba, who is the #3 hero of all Japan. He has his own agency named Explosive, where he and his sidekicks and other pro heroes take care of those villain bastards that run around Japan. Because he is a pro hero, he never had the time for me also.

All I had to keep me company was the maids and butlers they hired in the house. They were all kinda nice and I appreciated them for trying to play with me since they all noticed that I'm always alone.

By the time I was 4 and about to manifest my own quirk I was happy since maybe this time they'll have the time to spend it with me and celebrate my birthday. When I got up, I expected them to be downstairs in the kitchen with cake and greet me happy birthday.

That didn't happen.

When I got down I saw only the maids and butlers. They were clapping for me and greeting me, my eyes wandered the room and tried to find my parents. They were not there. One of the butlers handed me a letter and told me that it was from my parents since they're too busy to give it to me personally.

I was fucking pissed! I have waited for the whole year for my birthday to come since I thought that they'd make me their priority for once! That's all that I ever wanted!

I fucking opened the paper with tears escaping my eyes. Everyone noticed this and they all felt bad. Their eyes looked at me with pity for not having my own damn parent for my own fucking birthday! I opened it and read the letter.

Dear Katsuki,

Sorry, me and your mother can't come to your birthday party since we are very busy at the moment. Your mother has a very important meeting with a client for her new collection and hero suits to make for debuting heroes that just graduated from U.A.

I am also busy with all of the gangs and villains that keep popping up throughout Japan. I also have an emergency meeting today about a news organization that's been doing some bad things in the city.

Me and your mother are sorry for leaving you like this, but we promise that later tonight we will come back home and celebrate your birthday. Since you are already 4 years old then you're going to manifest your quirk! Isn't that nice?

I promise you we will be home before your bedtime.

Love, mom, and dad.

As I finished the letter I cried silently from where I was standing. I didn't feel like celebrating my birthday at all cause I'm fucking too piss to eat the cake or even blow the fucking candle.

I threw the letter to the ground and stomped on it repeatedly out of anger. Everyone looked shocked around me but I didn't fucking care about these extras. I stomped towards the cake that spelled happy birthday and I flipped it over out of anger and walked out.

I climbed the stairs as tears flowed through my eyes. My tiny little body was fueled with anger, resentment, and fury. I slammed the door shut on my way to my room and hid in the corner and continued sobbing.

After an hour or so, a knock on the door can be heard. I opened it slightly and it was one of the butlers I was close to. He told me to go change and pack my bags since we are going to the quirk doctor to figure out my quirk. I obeyed him and did as he said.

I got into the car and arrived at the hospital. Since I was the son of the #3 hero, we got into the quirk doctor's office relatively easily. I wasn't really in the mood to be happy like other kids that walk pass me when they learned their quirk. I was fucking miserable with red eyes from all the crying I did.

When we arrived at the doctor's office, he was already waiting for us and sitting on his chair. We sat on the chair across from him and he looked at me with a smile. I wasn't having it and I just fucking glared at him. It made him flinch slightly but composed himself after.

After a few greetings and introductions, he brought me to another room to do some shitty tests to find out what my fucking quirk was. He brought me back and told me to sit back down beside my butler.

He asked how it went but I didn't answer since I was still pissed. He understood and just stayed silent. He knew that I wasn't the person to argue with since I'm easily angered by the smallest of things. We waited for the stupid doctor since he's taking forever.
You sent Today at 3:16 PM
He arrived after 30 minutes and explained my quirk. "So, Katsuki here has the same quirk as his father. He secretes nitroglycerin-like sweats from his palms and can ignite them on command. I'd say it's a pretty powerful quirk." He informed us but that didn't make me happy at all since I had the same quirk as my fucking turd of a dad.

When we got home I locked myself in my room. I waited for my two parents to come home so that we could celebrate my birthday like they promised me. I was hoping that they won't lie like the way they always do and would actually keep their promise.

Minutes turned to hours and it was already past my bedtime at around 10pm in the evening. I still waited for them and forcing myself to stay up. It was now midnight and they never came. No knocking on the door, no "Happy Birthday", and obviously no more believing in their fucking lies.

The next day they apologized but I fucking ignored them. They kept asking for my forgiveness and that they were busy. I snapped when they used that stupid excuse again. Busy, busy, busy! That's their excuse all the fucking time!


I used my quirk and exploded my palms to create smoke to cover their vision as I ran back to my room crying. I ran to the corner of my room and continued by sobs as my two shitty parents try to talk with me again. I ignored their sorry asses and cried on the corner all alone.

4 years have passed and nothing changed. Since that day they didn't even try to change and they still chose work over me. I wanted to go to the park and clear my head for a bit. I told the butlers to prepare the car since I'm going out.

When we arrived at the park I told the driver to wait for me till I come back. He asked me when will I come back and shouted at him to just fucking wait. He stayed silent as I walk towards the park and into some bushes to explore the area.

As I was walking I tripped and fell to my knees. I scraped my knees and it was hard to fucking walk. I sighed in annoyance and started heading back when I heard crying and started walking to the source.

It was coming from a boy with green curly hair, freckles on his face, and bright green eyes. He was curling up and in front of him was another kid with his hair evenly split in the middle with white on his right and red on his left. His eyes on his left were colored blue while on the right was a gray color. He also had a scar burn on his left face.

There I met two idiots that would make me feel that I will never be alone again in my entire fucking life.

The Shadow TriadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora