Chapter 2 school

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The bus Is late Like always. Me and gracie walk into school our lockers are in different hallways. I have math first. I go to my locker 732 is mine. I do my combination 36 26 16. It opens while I get my binders out of my purple and blue back pack. I walk to math greeting my friend Ally who has all my classes with me. We don't sit next to each other. I sit down and do my warm up. The snobby girl I hate walks by me she gives me a nasty look and I just smile to get on her nerves. I win as I think to my self. Math goes by quickly and I head down to Social Studies with Ally. When this kid named Brian is not here Ally sits next to me and we have fun. That goes by and we're heading Down to language arts where I'm in advanced language arts. I can't wait to get out of there it's so boring. Then Lunch comes around and I'm already talking To my best friends Ally, Kate, Emma and Lucy. We talk and laugh while we're eating. Lunch ends and were already goofing off in the hallway but no one ever notices. Back to Language Arts for 30 more minutes. It's Friday and we take a quiz which is so boring but I always ace it. The when the bell rings I go to gym with Ally. Then I see my crush..... Josh. He always wears this grey jacket and he plays soccer with me but I always know that he does not like me but what do I care. My best friend kayla Yells My Name "BETH" that's my nickname but I'm really Bethany. I run over to her and plop my self on the bench. while Our gym teacher talks. Then Warm Up starts and all I'm doing is starting at Josh when he's warming up. "Beth I can set you to up" Karrie says
"No,No,No" I say "he does not like me!"
We start playing soccer indoors because it's snowing. I'm awesome at being Alfence also because the other team plays horrible. Gym is then over and we migrate over too health. Me Ally,Karrie,Kayla and Lilly sit down together as we do health. That's Over and then we go To T.A.D or the last thing of the day . Me and grace have T.A.D together but Josh's t.a.d is right next door so I see him alot. We do work and go over to his t.a.d during first wave. Heath and Brett are behind me while Heath says "Hey Bethany, Brett likes you." I turn around and Brett says
"No I have a girlfriend." But one thing Heath is known for is telling the truth. Second wave is called and me and grace walk down to our lockers. As I get their A boy named Alex and I start to talk and walk down the hallway to the doors together. Were just friends. Emma in shock says "You're talking to Alex?!?!?"
I replied with "Yes I did." "Are you blind?" We both giggle and walk to the bus and i sit next to Grace. Brett sits to the left of me so me and him usually talk till we get to the high school. Then we chat and I talk to Grace while he plays his phone. "Did you talk to josh about me?" I questioned Grace.
"No not yet but I will"
"Okay" I said.
The bus dropped us off and I walk home with Emma she lives a couple houses down while grace is my neighbor across the street. The end of a perfect day.

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