Jealousy (gender neutral)

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They were all drinking and joking at the pub. It had been a pleasant day off.

Because Kaylee was close by, it was only natural that they get together for drinks.

And it was well worth the effort. You'd just been laughing for a few hours and your cheeks were hurting.

Danielle, who was sitting in the corner, glaring dangers about her, and generally being a bitch, was the only thing that put a damper on their pleasant mood.

You continued to do your best to involve her in every conversation, allowing her to see how hard you were trying. Danielle, on the other hand, refused to participate no matter what, becoming increasingly irritated.

They broke out laughing again, Kaylee slapping her hand over your forearm and coming in close, their heads almost colliding, but you were abruptly yanked away.

In any other scenario, you would have freaked out, but the tight grasp was all too familiar; you knew it was Danielle, but you couldn't figure out why.

"Danny! What the hell is going on?" You tripped over your own feet and the chair in which you were seated.

Kaylee raised too, signaling to Danielle that they were ready.

Danielle's grasp tightened for a split second, her eyes blazing a murderous glare that sent shivers up your spine.

Danielle hauled you out of the pub and across the street to their hotel room, shoving you through the doors before slamming them shut with too much force, her hands in fists and shaking in rage.

"What the fuck is going on?" Stepping close in front of Danielle and twisting her around to face you, you were enraged as well.

"I can't take it any longer! She literally drooled over you!" Danielle clenched her teeth, a blazing storm in her eyes.

"Danny, we're friends! Friends!" Danielle caught your hands as you tossed them up in the air.

"You know she'd like to be more than "friends" with you." Regardless of her rage, Danielle maintained a soft grip on your wrists.

"You're simply jealous. You're over reacting." You slid your hands free and walked over to the bed, crouching down to untie your boots.

"And, Y/n, this emotion is driving me insane! All of these touches she lavishes on you! They make me want to pull them apart! She's doing everything on purpose to fuck with me!" Danielle became enraged and clutched her own hair.

"Dan....." You sighed and reached out your palm to your angel.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, but I just can't! How do you handle it?" Danielle's hair was still tangled in rage.

"Come here." You continued to extend your hand to Danielle, who eventually glanced down at you.

Danny took a step forward, allowing you to grab her hand before stopping in the middle of your legs.

"You were the one who let it out. Turn anger into love and love for the person you care about." You shook your head. "It's simply a matter of getting used to it."

Danielle groaned, her fingers raking over her unkempt hair.

"Okay. You could simply tell me at the bar," she says. You took a step forward. "Kaylee was enraged; could you please inform them that we're fine and that you're not planning to murder me?"

You were attempting to make a joke, but Danielle's gaze silenced you.

"So you want to go to Kaylee? Then go." Danielle took a step back, allowing her arms to fall to her sides as she gazed out the dirty window.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Danielles' tone made your blood run cold, and you were frozen in your place.

"Y/n, just go see your girlfriend." And with that Danielle was gone.

You just stood there, speechless, unable to believe what had just happened.

After a brief moment, you sat back down, unsure whether to cry or smash something.

Danielle Rose Russell ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now