Wrong Address (female reader)

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You sent your sisters flowers in the middle of the day and waited by the phone for them to call each other and find out one got the arrangement and the other didn't.

You figured the flowers couldn't have gone far, maybe they're in the same neighborhood. You drove around your sisters neighborhood in hopes of finding it, but for something greater to happen.

You parked in front of someones house and was calling your sister about what had happened until you see your breathtaking arrangement of flowers.

You parked in front of someones house and was calling your sister about what had happened until you see your breathtaking arrangement of flowers

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Flowers made by my sister.

You get out of the car, walk up to the doorstep and kneel down to grab the flowers but to hear the front door open and reveal an alluring young women.

"Uhh may I help you?" The women said with a sweet voice. Which is weird because you look like a creep on her doorstep.

So you tried to play it off.

"I am uhh delivering these flowers for you." "Oh really who are they from?" "Uhh." You were about to speak but someone yelled to get her attention "Dani! Is that the food?" Jenny said in which Danielle replied with "No Jenny it's just a-person." She said noticing that you're not there anymore. She was about to shrug it off but to find a card around the flowers. A business card with your business on it. Oasis Floral.

The Next Day

When Danielle aka the mystery girl walked through the front door you were shocked. You thought you would never see her again. You said goodbye to the previous costumer and welcomed the new one. "Hello again" she said to you which you replied with "Mystery girl." "Danielle." "Y/n." "So Y/n, why did you leave so quick?" "I uhh, I umm well, I made my sisters flowers and I guess one didn't make it. It made it to a captivating young women but uhh yea. And I left early because instead of me trying to get it back and saying the truth I was awkward and I just bolted. I'm sorry for not being an adult and-" "It's ok thanks for telling me the truth, now I have an actual question." "Which is?" You replied curiously. "How often do I water?" "Well since the flowers are in green foam you only have to spray them with water every other day or so." "Spray as in like a spray bottle?" "Yea." "Ok. Thank you, I should leave so you could help your other costumers."

You guys looked around your store to see no one was in sight. With all this sudden confidence you asked Danielle "Would you like to grab tea?" "Tea?" "Oh right, if you couldn't tell by my accent I'm British and I take my tea serious. My parents imbedded tea into my brain and now we have a hate love type of relationship." "Ok we can get tea I actually like tea. I just thought you were going to say coffee." "Ok let's go." "Are you sure? Isn't your boss-" "Babycakes I am the boss." You said turning the open/closed sign on the door to closed.

"I had a really nice time" Danielle said. "Me too, you know we could do this again. But only if you want to I mean I uhh." You said getting really flustered. Danielle placed her hand on your arm and said "I'd love to." "Great." You said stuttering and you mentally slapped yourself after this. "I'll see you later." Danielle said as she entered her car to drive home. "See ya later alligator." She laughed and said "After awhile crocodile." She then drove off into the night sky. Soon after she turned the corner you groaned for saying see ya later alligator. Like who says that?

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