Debatable (Modern Au)

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A/N: You guys I am being deprived of my sleep.

Third Person POV

John and Alex had always been best friends. They had each other's back since they were in 3rd grade. Now they were in their senior year of high school.


Alex was the new kid and was the quiet one.

"Hey," He heard a voice behind him, "I'm John, John Laurens." A boy with blond hair and ocean blue eyes said.

"Oh, hi I'm Alexander Hamilton," Alex said sticking out his hand for the boy to shake. They both smiled as they shook hands.

End of Flashback:

"Hey Lexi," John said as he walked by and leaned on the locker next to Alex's. "Hey John," Alex said not taking his eyes off his book. John looked over Alex's shoulder, "Whatcha reading?" He asked curiously.

Alex mumbled a simple, "Nothing." As he put the book away.

"What's your schedule today?" John asked, Alex, smiled, "Nothing much, the only big thing is a debate with Jefferson. That big-mouthed son of a-," Alex was about to continue, but John stopped him. "Woah, Woah, Woah, language Alex." John chuckled.

Alex took a breath before blushing a bit, he liked John but he thought John was straight. And there was no way he was risking their friendship.

"You're so lucky Alex, I have a bunch of tests today! There should be a law saying only 2 tests or less per day!" John held up a finger. Alex only giggled and shook his head.

"Well gotta go, if I ever wanna make it on time to the debate," Alex said, "Save me a seat at lunch?" He asked as he gently rubbed John's hand with his thumb. John smiled, "You know I will." He smiled, as they parted.


At the debate, Alex was fully prepared. He had a less hurtful speech for Jefferson this time. The last time they had a debate it ended up last time, the whole class was speechless, Mr. Washington nearly quit his job, and Jefferson had to take therapy for a week.

As they sat down at the table, Thomas looked a bit uncomfortable based on Alex's look. Alex saw no fun in this debate though. He had promised John that he wouldn't go rough on Thomas during debates. And when he and John made a promise it was usually always kept.

"Alexander, you may start off." Mr. Washington said preparing his soundproof headphones. As the class prepared for the worst, Thomas sat down looking like he'd seen a ghost.

Alex spoke up, "Actually sir, I don't mind if Mr. Jefferson started off." Then it seemed like time itself stopped. That was until Madison passed out.

"Oh um, well I think that climate change is an advancing issue on all ecosystems and even the whole world. Which can easily be solved by using fewer fossil fuels." He explained.

"I agree," Alex said, as Mr. Wasington nearly jumped out of his seat. He walked over to Alex.

"You sure you're feeling okay son," He said touching Alex's forehead. "Or are you just on some medication?" He looked at Alex suspiciously

"Yeah I'm fine, I just think what Thomas said is agreeable, and that he was right." He said.


Just then the bell rang, everyone left but looked at Alex like he was an alien.

"Hey, John!" Alex called, "How was your test?" John sighed, "I don't know Alex, it was hard. My brain hurts." He said leaning on his locker. "Anyways, how was the debate? Please tell me you didn't do the same thing as last time." John looked at Alex with hopeful eyes.

"John!" Madison called, "Yeah?" Madison looked over at Alex with frightened eyes then back at John. "I think there is something wrong with your friend." He said quietly, Alex glared at him.

"Yikes!" He said before hurrying off. "Alex, what'd you do this time?" John asked.

"I didn't do anything. All I did was agree with Jefferson." John's eyes widened, "You actually agreed with Jefferson?" John looked up at the ceiling, "Lord is the world ending?" He asked.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Haha, very funny John. But he actually said something smart for once, so I agreed." John reached out his hand to touch Alex's freckled forehead. "Yeah, okay. How about we take a short walk to the nurse's office." He said. "John! I'm fine! We made a promise that if I didn't make Thomas go through what he did last time we had a debate, that you would give me a reward." Alex stated proudly.

"Okay then, here," John said as he kissed Alex's cheek. A huge blush formed on Alex's cheeks, as John pulled away.

"Woah, that's like the best reward ever." He mumbled. As John laughed, "Now, I believe we have a lunch to get to." He chuckled, as he ruffled Alex's red hair. "Fine fine, let's go. But you know the next time we go to a debate-" Alex said as John laughed. "Yeah, I'll give you another reward."

Hello! So hoped you enjoyed it! Thank you!

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