My Son (Merlin and Douxie Angst)

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Merlin slowly walked up to the large stone pedestal, eyes locked on the two powerful figures perched on top. Brow furrowed, he tightened his grip on his staff. Whatever the Arcane Order wanted, he was prepared to do whatever he had to in order to get his apprentice back.

Bellroc glared at him with the eyes on her breastplate. It was a rather unnerving thing, seeing as the eyes seemed to be made of wood, but also seemed alive.

"What do you want?" The wizard demanded, masking his true concern. Skrael stared down at him smugly, obviously quite convinced that the Order's plan would work.

"The location of the Genesis Seals." He said. Merlin glanced away for a fraction of a second, hoping to spot Hisirdoux, but the only beings in sight were the demigods standing above him.

"And why would I give them to you of all people?" He asked, maintaining his signature stubbornness.

"Because if you don't," Bellroc said threateningly, "your precious apprentice will suffer a fate worse than death!" With a flit of his staff, Skrael took his cue and revealed Hisirdoux Casperan, standing with his hands attached to a frame with chunks of ice.

"Don't listen to them!! The world isn't worth my life!!" The boy yelled, locking eyes with his master.

"What'll it be, Merlin?" Bellroc glowered. Merlin stared at Douxie for a long time. It was his duty to protect this realm, and that meant keeping the Seals away from the Arcane Order. There had to be a way to rescue Douxie, right?

"Well?!" Bellroc demanded, sending flames spurting. The wizard sighed, gripping his staff so tightly his knuckles turned white.

"Alright." He said stiffly. He closed his eyes. "Let him go. Then I'll tell you."

"No, master, don't!" Douxie yelled. Bellroc seemed to scowl.

"Can we trust you?" She hissed. Merlin shot a fiery gaze in her direction. She grumbled.

"Very well. Skrael, release the boy." She said, reluctant to comply. Skrael dissolved Douxie's icy cuffs with a flick of his hand. The boy fell to his knees, rubbing his wrists. He looked at Merlin as if to say, you shouldn't have agreed to this!

"Now, the Seals. Where are they?!" Bellroc demanded. Merlin stepped forward casually, grabbing his staff with both hands. He was silent for several seconds.

"Right here!" He yelled finally, sending a mighty flash of green light from his staff. The two demigods were momentarily blinded, and Douxie took his chance to run. The two wizards quickly made their way out of the cavern, the enraged screeching of Bellroc behind them, as well as bursts of flame. The escape was narrow, but the two wizards finally burst from the cave, panting heavily.

An explosion of flames and ice shards accompanied by a furious shriek shot forth from the caves mouth, sending them tumbling into a ravine. When the dust cleared, the world was deathly silent. Douxie slowly sat up, looking about himself in a daze. He snapped out of it quickly when he saw his master sprawled on the stone ground.

"Master!" He exclaimed, rushing to the old wizard's side. Merlin looked up at him, seemingly undisturbed by the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

"Hisirdoux..." He rasped, smiling slightly. Douxie gasped softly as he realized an ice shards was firmly embedded in the wizard's side. Looking around frantically, he racked his brain for a spell to fix this.

"It's alright, Master, I can fix this--you'll be okay--" He said shakily. Merlin weakly reached up and grabbed the boy's wrist.

"There's no fixing this, I'm afraid...dark magic..." He explained. Douxie looked perplexed.

"No, no, no, I'll find a way--" The boy started.

"Hisirdoux, if I am to die, do me a favor and just listen." Merlin said quietly, cutting him off. Douxie blinked once, releasing the tears that had begun to form in his eyes. He locked his gaze with his master's.

"Hisirdoux, I have lived a thousand years, seen a thousand triumphs and a thousand defeats. I no longer fear death. You shouldn't, either." Merlin continued. "Just promise me you will protect this realm, and the Seals, no matter the cost."

Douxie sighed, tears still falling. "I promise." He said. Merlin smiled, an unusual soft look in his eyes.

"You know, I've accomplished a great many things in my long life." He said, his voice growing weaker. "But the greatest of them all has always been you, Hisirdoux." A single tear ran down his cheek. "I just want you to know, that no matter how many times you've slipped up, I'm proud of you. Always have been...always will son..."

The last words were on his last breath. As the life drained from his eyes, Douxie realized why he'd been willing to risk his life by tricking the Order to save him. The boy embraced his master's lifeless body, sobbing quietly.

"I'm proud of you too,



Sorry that this is so short, and that it took so long. I hope it's not too cringey 😬 I'm not much of an angst writer (which is bizarre because I think up angsty stuff all the time), but I tried.

Keep the requests coming!! I was so excited to get this first one, seeing as a created this book months ago and nothing happened for the longest time.

Peace out ✌️

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